The decision to quit school at that young age is, ____, the most stupid thing I have ever done.
by comparison
in retrospect
at first sight
at times
【单选题】 28.Fool ____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.
①  who
②  as
③  that
④  like
【单选题】 How stupid I have been! Why _______ I do that before?
①  don’t
②  didn’t
③  not
【单选题】 This is the ____ photo I have ever taken.
①  worse
②  better
③  best
④  most worst
【判断题】 Given that they are fresh from the university, the young people have done a good job.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【判断题】 The slightest mention of the decade after the First World War brings nostalgic recollections to both the middle-age and the young.
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 When I got my first sight of the garden, its beauty____________took my breath away.
①  near
②  nearly
③  almost
④  hardly
【单选题】 12. That’s ______ joke I have ever heard.
①  the funniest
②  more funny
③  a funniest
④  funnier
【单选题】 Mary is one of the best friend _____________ I have ever had.
①  that
②  whom
【单选题】 Our ____ sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.
①  sensible
②  senseless
③  sensitive
④  sensory
【单选题】 7、坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路的根本任务是( )
①  科学发展
②  弘扬中华文化
③  促进文化大繁荣大发展
④  构建社会主义核心价值体系
【单选题】 6、十七届六中全会明确提出了( )战略目标
①  “两手抓,两手都要硬”
②  “推动社会主义文化的大繁荣”
③  “坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,努力建设社会主义文化强国”
④  “中国特色社会主义文化发展道路”
【单选题】 4、实现人权的根本途径是( )
①  发展民主
②  依法治国
③  经济发展和社会进步、稳定
④  建立社会主义制度
【单选题】 翼状肩是哪块肌肉瘫痪
①  三角肌
②  前锯肌
③  斜方肌
④  菱形肌
【单选题】 眼动脉起于
①  颈内动脉
②  大脑中动脉
③  上颌动脉
④  面动脉
【单选题】 胸膜腔
①  密闭,与外界不相通
②  与胸腔相通
③  是胸膜与胸壁之间的腔隙
④  与腹膜腔相通
【单选题】 子宫动脉在距子宫颈外侧约2cm处行于
①  输尿管的后下方
②  输尿管的前上方
③  输尿管的外侧
④  输卵管前下方
【单选题】 手术时确定空肠起点是通过
①  幽门窦
②  角切迹
③  十二指肠悬韧带
④  十二指肠大乳头
【单选题】 滑膜关节的基本结构是
①  关节面,关节囊,关节内韧带
②  关节面,关节囊,关节腔
③  关节腔,关节囊,关节内软骨
④  关节面,关节囊,关节内软骨
【单选题】 产生卵子和分泌女性激素的器官是
①  子宫
②  卵巢
③  输卵管
④  阴道