Today, however, some new skyscrapers ____ up from the ground in long, wide, and curves.
【单选题】 I noticed her ____ a pen from the ground.
①  to pick out
②  to pick up
③  pick out
④  pick up
【单选题】 In the eyes of the author, one should start from ______ in wide reading.
①  interesting materials
②  books with very few pages
③  materials not too difficult
④  both A and C
【单选题】 New York is famous for its skyscrapers,_______has more than 100 storeys.
①  the highest
②  the highest of that
③  the highest of which
④  the highest of them
【单选题】 New York is famous for its skyscrapers,_______has more than 100 storeys.
①  the highest
②  the highest of that
③  the highest of which
④  the highest of them
【单选题】 ____ for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
①  There has been no rain
②  Having no rain
③  There having been no rain
④  There being no rain
【单选题】 _____ for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
①  There has been no rain
②  Having no rain
③  There having been no rain
④  There being no rain
【单选题】 In today’s newspaper, it _____ that there will be a new election tomorrow.
①  tells
②  states
③  writes
④  records
【单选题】 It’s sunny today. It has stopped ______ for a long time.
①  raining
②  to rain
【单选题】 —How long have you been graduated from your college?— .
①  Yes, I’ve been graduated
②  I’ve been graduated for five years
③  I graduated from my college last year
④  I graduat from my college last year
【单选题】 – How long have you been graduated from your college?–
①  Yes, Ive been graduated.
②  Ive been graduated for five years.
③  I graduated from my college last year.
④  yes
【判断题】 WordPress强大的系统后台,使得维护人员在编辑内容时变得简单,维护人员只需要在后台选择【文章】→【写文章】,填写对应的文章标题,并选中对应的栏目,在编辑框中完成内容的编辑,单击【发布】按钮,即可完成文章的编辑。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 确定好开发工具后,网站的整体开发内容包括( )
①  第二步,网站主题编辑
②  第三步,网站栏目编辑
③  第一步,环境配置
④  第四步,首页编辑
⑤  以上都正确
【单选题】 网站模板选择中,一般模板都放在template目录下。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列关于WordPress系统介绍说法正确的是( )
①  可以进行幻灯片设置
②  以上都正确
③  可以方便设置评论和留言功能
④  可以方便设置网站的运行模式
⑤  可以设置及水印设置
【判断题】 ASPCMS系统,通过网站设置,可以方便设置网站的运行模式、评论和留言功能开关设置及水印设置等。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 防火墙、防病毒、漏洞扫描等都是已经被企业广泛采用的传统网站安全措施,尤其是防火墙的部署,使得网站阻挡了大部分来自网络层的攻击,发挥了重要作用。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 所谓SQL注入,就是通过SQL命令插入到Web表单递交或输入域名或页面请求的查询字符串,最终达到欺骗服务器执行恶意SQL命令的目的。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 网站流量统计分析,是指在获得网站访问量基本数据的情况下,对有关数据进行统计分析,以了解网站当前的访问效果和访问用户行为并发现当前网络营销活动中存在的问题,并为进一步修正或重新制定网络营销策略提供依据。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 M公司是一家股份有限公司,目前准备上市,预计上市后股本2亿元,股份总数为2亿股,根据我国证券法的规定,M公司公开发行的股份必须达到( )万股。
①  4000
②  2000
③  3000
④  5000
【单选题】 礼仪,是中华传统美德宝库中的一颗璀璨明珠,是中国古代文化的精髓。