Today, however, some new skyscrapers ____ up from the ground in long, wide, and curves.
【单选题】 I noticed her ____ a pen from the ground.
①  to pick out
②  to pick up
③  pick out
④  pick up
【单选题】 In the eyes of the author, one should start from ______ in wide reading.
①  interesting materials
②  books with very few pages
③  materials not too difficult
④  both A and C
【单选题】 New York is famous for its skyscrapers,_______has more than 100 storeys.
①  the highest
②  the highest of that
③  the highest of which
④  the highest of them
【单选题】 New York is famous for its skyscrapers,_______has more than 100 storeys.
①  the highest
②  the highest of that
③  the highest of which
④  the highest of them
【单选题】 ____ for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
①  There has been no rain
②  Having no rain
③  There having been no rain
④  There being no rain
【单选题】 _____ for a long time, the fields are all dried up.
①  There has been no rain
②  Having no rain
③  There having been no rain
④  There being no rain
【单选题】 In today’s newspaper, it _____ that there will be a new election tomorrow.
①  tells
②  states
③  writes
④  records
【单选题】 It’s sunny today. It has stopped ______ for a long time.
①  raining
②  to rain
【单选题】 —How long have you been graduated from your college?— .
①  Yes, I’ve been graduated
②  I’ve been graduated for five years
③  I graduated from my college last year
④  I graduat from my college last year
【单选题】 – How long have you been graduated from your college?–
①  Yes, Ive been graduated.
②  Ive been graduated for five years.
③  I graduated from my college last year.
④  yes
【多选题】 变形观测的主要内容包括()。
①  刚度观测
②  强度观测
③  裂缝观测
④  位移观测
⑤  倾斜观测
【多选题】 测距仪可以完成()等测量工作。
①  角度
②  体积
③  面积
④  距离
⑤  高度
【判断题】 沉降观测水准点的数目不少于5个,以便检核。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 直方图法将收集到的质量数进行分组整理,绘制成频数分布直方图,又称为()。
①  质量分布图法
②  排列图法
③  频数分布图法
④  分层法
【单选题】 当样品总体很大时,可以釆用整群抽样和分层抽样相结合,这种方法又称为()。
①  系统抽样
②  多阶段抽样
③  整群抽样
④  分层抽样
【多选题】 数理统计方法常用的统计分析方法有()。
①  分层法
②  数值分析法
③  统计调查表法
④  控制图法
⑤  直方图法
【多选题】 材料数据抽样的基本方法有()。
①  系统随机抽样
②  多阶段抽样
③  分层随机抽样
④  简单随机抽样
⑤  整群抽样
【判断题】 简单随机抽样是抽样中最基本也是最简单的组织形式。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 通风系统按照通风系统的工作动力不同,可将其分为自然通风和()。
①  四周通风
②  机械通风
③  自然通风
④  全面通风
⑤  局部通风
【多选题】 低温热水地面辐射供暖系统材料包括()。
①  热管
②  连接管件
③  集水器
④  分水器
⑤  冷热线接头