Mike is always losing something. He is a ____boy.
【单选题】 9. Tim is ________boy. He can say a few words.
①  an one-year-old
②  a one-year-old
③  an one-year old
④  a one-year old
【单选题】 For a ( ) moment I saw the face of a boy.
①  fleet
②  fleeting
③  fleetly
④  fleetness
【单选题】 The police carried out a(n) ____ search for the missing boy.
①  complete
②  entire
③  thorough
④  whole
【单选题】 A: Is there anything I can do for you? B: [填空], there is something.
①  No, nothing
②  Well, now that you ask
③  Nothing I can think of
④  If you ask me
【单选题】 The policeman offered the little boy something ____ .
①  for eat
②  to eat
③  eat
④  to eating
【单选题】 David and Sheila are unable to have children, but they’re hoping to __________ a little boy.
①  cultivate
②  raise
③  adopt
④  acquire
【单选题】 At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia s waving, but then it __ his mind that she was trying to tell him something.
①  crossed
②  passed
③  occurred
④  opened
【单选题】 When he was a boy, he used to go there and watch ____.
①  to repair bicycles
②  bicycles to be repaired
③  bicycles being repaired
④  repairing bicycles
【单选题】 Apart from the meaning of broadening one’s horizon, to ( ) also means to be alert to and be aware of the potential danger of something.
①  keep an eye on
②  fix one’s eyes on
③  turn a blind eye to
④  open one’s eyes
【单选题】 Is he [填空] Italian boy ?
①  an
②  a
③  one
④  /
【单选题】 先假说,后求证,是从一般到个别,推论和判断个别事例的认识方法,这是逻辑思维方法中的 ( )
①  分析
②  综合
③  归纳
④  演绎
【判断题】 越来越简单的社会建设任务要求提升党的领导能力和执政能力。
【判断题】 改革开放是决定中国命运的重大抉择。
【多选题】 提高就业质量和人民的收入水平的具体措施有()。
①  坚持按劳分配原则
②  提供全方位公共就业服务
③  破除妨碍劳动力、人才社会性流动的体制机制弊端
④  坚持就业优先战略和积极就业政策
⑤  大规模开展职业技能培训
【单选题】 深化经济体制改革要紧紧围绕使市场在资源配置中起()。
①  核心性作用
②  关键性作用
③  基础性作用
④  决定性作用
【单选题】 秦朝时设立三公,其中御史大夫分管的是()。
①  行政
②  监督
③  军事
④  内务
【单选题】 当前,我国发展进入新阶段,改革进入()和深水区
①  困难期
②  矛盾期
③  攻坚期
④  敏感期
【单选题】 北部湾海域边境的勘划非常成功,是海洋领域的划界典范。这一问题的解决是由哪两个国家主导的?()
①  中国和越南
②  日本和中国
③  印尼和越南
④  澳大利亚和中国
【单选题】 全面深化改革,必须立足于我国长期处于社会主义初级阶段这个最大实际,解决我国所有问题的关键是()。
①  坚持改革
②  坚持发展
③  坚持创新
④  坚持开放
【单选题】 司法的生命在于()。
①  权威
②  正义
③  公正
④  平等