Theory is based on practice and in____ serves practice.
【单选题】 Errors in theory will inevitably [填空] failures in practice.
①  result in
②  result as
③  result for
【单选题】 What are two grammar practice activities?
①  Mechanical practice and meaningful practice
②  Volume practice and communicative practice
③  Interest practice and meaningful practice
④  Mechanical practice and success oriented practice.
【单选题】 Clinical Practice Guidelines 代表()
①  临床操作规程指南
②  评价研究证据
③  临床实践指南
④  病例对照研究
【单选题】 Even great musicians require ____ practice.
①  convenient
②  continual
③  continuous
④  contrary
【单选题】 Which of the following belong to pronunciation perception practice?
①  using minimal pairs, odd one out
②  Which order, completion
③  Same or different
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 Hed had more than enough practice to become a(n ) ____.
①  special
②  skill
③  profession
④  expert
【单选题】 Which type does the following production practice belong to? The students repeat what the teacher says. This activity can practice individual sounds, individual words, groups of words, and sentences.
①  Listen and repeat
②  Fill in the blanks
③  Make up sentences
④  Using meaningful context
【单选题】 Language learning is a slow process, which a lot of effort, time and practice.
①  requires
②  leaves
③  pays
④  offers
【单选题】 What are the purposeful preparation that a language teacher normally receives before he starts the practice of teaching?
①  Learning from other’s experiences
②  Learning the received knowledge
③  Learning from one’s own experiences as a teacher
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the possible activities for you to practice speaking English at school?
①  To talk to native speakers on campus.
②  To speak English to the waitress in English as you pay for a meal in a restaurant.
③  To rehearse aloud by yourself.
④  To talk with your classmates in English.
【单选题】 职业道德养成的途径有很多。有人说“要多看励志修身的书”;有人说“要选择高尚的职业道德榜样”;也有人说“要立足岗位,投身实践”。那么,职业道德养成的根本途径是()。
①  善于认识自己
②  文化学习
③  自觉修养
【单选题】 “法律必须遵守,违反法律要受到惩罚”体现了法律具有()。
①  优先适用性
②  人人平等性
③  普遍适用性
④  不可违抗性
【单选题】 所谓法治思维,是指以法治价值和法治精神为导向,运用()、()、()思考和处理问题的思维模式。
①  法律规范、法律指南、法律方法
②  法律原则、法律条约、法律方法
③  法律原则、法律规则、法律方法
④  法律规范、法律条约、法律指南
【单选题】 根据我国《宪法》关于公民权利和自由的规定,下列哪一项是正确的()?
①  劳动、受教育和依法服兵役既是公民的基本权利,又是公民的基本义务
②  公民在年老、疾病或失业的情况下,有从国家和社会获得物质帮助的权利
③  公民享有科学研究、文艺创作和其他文化活动的自由
④  休息权的主体是全体公民
【单选题】 依法治国的核心是()。
①  依宪治国
②  法制宣传
③  有法可依
④  遵纪守法
【单选题】 王某系某中职学校高一年级学生,在校期间因与同学刘某发生口角,追打刘某,致使刘某摔伤。此事例涉及的民事关系是()。
①  人身关系
②  财产关系
③  公民关系
④  法人关系
【单选题】 以下不属于博爱时代的刑法特征是()。
①  罪刑相适应
②  文化
③  罪刑法定
④  刑罚人道
【单选题】 以下不属于19世纪后期至20世纪初刑法特征的是()。
①  法治
②  刑事政策
③  预防犯罪
④  刑罚救治
【单选题】 提升个人礼仪需要加强自律。下列做法属于加强自律的是()。
①  随意乱扔饮料瓶
②  自习课上安静学习
③  为朋友两肋插刀在所不惜
④  放学路上追逐打闹
【单选题】 我们普及宪法知识,推动宪法实施,是因为()。①宪法是国家的根本法②宪法具有最高的法律地位③宪法是普通法律的总和④宪法是根据其他法律制定的
①  ①④
②  ①②
③  ②④
④  ③④