Was it until the1990s ____ the old man finally got a house of his own?
【单选题】 When I got out of the car and walked about among them, ____ one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.
①  see that
②  except that
③  provided that
④  except for
【单选题】 The old man got into the ___ of storing money under the bed.
①  tradition
②  habit
③  use
④  custom
【简答题】 Who was the old man? And what was he doing when they saw him?
【单选题】 When my own son was five years old, I became ( )for another baby.
①  eager
②  desire
③  yearn
④  wish
【单选题】 People’s status in society is frequently ____ by how much they own.
①  measured
②  examined
③  tested
④  questioned
【单选题】 When Mr. Jones gets old, he will ____ his business to his son.
①  take over
②  hand over
③  think over
④  get over
【单选题】 The doctor gave the old man a _____ examination and congratulated him on his speedy recovery.
①  cautious
②  cautiously
③  careful
④  carefully
【单选题】 While being questioned on the court, the man denied ____ the old lady’s necklace.
①  having taken
②  taking
③  to have taken
④  to take
【单选题】 While being questioned on the court, the man denied _____the old lady’s necklace.
①  having taken
②  taking
③  to have taken
④  to take
【单选题】 But for the immediate help from his neibour, the old man______of hunger fifteen years ago.
①  must die
②  must have died
③  would die
④  would have died
【判断题】 年末,“零余额账户用款额度”科目余额应结转下年。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 事业单位发生外币业务的,应当按照业务发生当日(或当期期初,下同)的即期汇率,将外币金额折算为人民币记账,并登记外币金额和汇率。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 行政单位财务报表中包括以前年度结转结余调整情况说明的报表是( )。
①  资产负债表
②  财政拨款收入支出表
③  报表附注
④  收入支出表
【单选题】 核算反映因发生应付账款和长期应付款而相应需在净资产中冲减金额的会计科目是( )。
①  待偿债净资产
②  政府储备物资
③  公共基础设施
④  资产基金
【单选题】 下列项目中,关于“累计摊销”科目说法错误的是( )。
①  本科目核算事业单位无形资产计提的累计摊销
②  本科目应当按照无形资产的类别、项目等进行明细核算
③  事业单位应当对无形资产进行摊销,包括以名义金额计量的无形资产
④  本科目期末贷方余额,反映事业单位计提的无形资产摊销累计数
【单选题】 政府财政总预算会计适用于( )。
①  各级国家行政机关
②  各级政府财政机关
③  各级国家权力机关
④  各类预算执行单位
【单选题】 下列项目中,关于“长期借款”科目说法错误的是( )。
①  本科目期末贷方余额,反映事业单位尚未偿还的长期借款本金
②  本科目核算事业单位借入的期限超过1年(不含1年)的各种借款
③  本科目应当按照贷款单位和贷款种类进行明细核算。对于基建项目借款,还应按具体项目进行明细核算
④  为构建固定资产支付的专门借款利息,属于工程项目建设期间支付的,计入当期支出但不计入工程成本
【单选题】 按月计提固定资产折旧时,按照实际计提的金额借方记( )。
①  在建工程
②  累计折旧
③  固定资产
④  资产基金——固定资产
【单选题】 下列项目中,关于资产负债表中净资产类项目 “期末余额”栏的内容及填列方法,说法借误的是( )。
①  “财政补助结转”项目反映事业单位滚存的财补助结转资金
②  “事业基金”项目,反映事业单位期末拥有的非限定用途的净资产
③  “专用基金”项目,反映事业单位按规定设置或提取的具有专门用途的净资产
④  “非财政补助结余”项目,反映事业单位自年初至报告期末累计实现的非财政补助结余弥补以前年度经营亏损前的余额
【单选题】 行政单位的存货应当定期进行清查盘点,每年至少盘点的次数是( )。
①  1次
②  3次
③  4次
④  2次