I adopted a positive ( ) on life.
【单选题】 I hope you are making ________ for continuous education in your life.
①  room
②  vacancy
③  place
④  like
【单选题】 ——Mary, what would you say to a holiday for the weekend? ——____. I am simply tired of life here.
①  You’retakenthewordsoutofmymouth
②  Enjoyyourself
③  Ican’taffordthetime
④  Whereshouldwego?
【单选题】 I would accept that there was a bias in some key areas of British life, [] that bias has now gone.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【判断题】 OUTLOOK属于电子钱包软件。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Its an important component of preschool education to help and instruct young children to develop a positive ______.
①  self-reality
②  self-evidence
③  self-service
④  self-concept
【单选题】 George was introduced to ____ activities at a young age, when he was hired to act as a lookout for drug dealers.
①  illegal
②  lawful
③  faithful
④  peaceful
【单选题】 George was introduced to _____activities at a young age, when she was hired to act as a lookout for drug-dealers.
①  illegal
②  lawful
③  faithful
④  peaceful
【判断题】 使用Outlook Express,不能收发声音文件.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 This picture was taken at my high-school graduating ceremony on June 10th that year,_______ I still remember well as a great milestone in my life.
①  which
②  when
③  where
④  as
【单选题】 Never in my life ____ or seen such a thing.
①  I have heard of
②  I had heard of
③  have I heard of
④  did I hear of
【判断题】 一般心理问题形成是可以自我调节的。( )
【多选题】 以下哪些是单元学习的核心要素( )
①  主题
②  目标
③  活动
④  评价
【单选题】 下列哪一项是学习过程设计中的关键( )
①  学习活动设计
②  评价任务
③  学科概念
④  基本原理
【判断题】 教学是一项有目的的理性行为。( )
【多选题】 以下哪些是教师心理健康的标准( )
①  对教师角色认同,勤于教育工作,热爱教育工作
②  有良好和谐的人际关系
③  能正确地了解自我、体验自我和控制自我
④  具有教育独创性
⑤  能恰如其分地控制情绪
【判断题】 心理健康的人并非是十全十美的人,而是能从过去的错误中学习、不断进步、逐步迈向成熟的人。( )
【单选题】 以下哪一项心理状态的提高,能让教师在一定程度上,容忍学生与自己在价值观与信念上的差别( )
①  提升忍受和战胜冲突的能力
②  提高积极语言的熟练运用程度
③  提高同情心、同理心
④  提高自身的心理健康水平
【多选题】 学术界对爱的理解有哪两方面的共识( )
①  人都具有泛爱
②  爱具有互给性
③  只对亲属是真爱
④  爱是能产生无私利他、自我牺牲行为的
【单选题】 哪一种做法才能让学生快乐地接受老师的教育( )
①  让学生感受到教师的扎实理论
②  让学生感受到教师的权威
③  让学生感受到教师的严厉
④  让学生感受到教师的关爱
【多选题】 以下哪些属于“特殊儿童”,特别需要教师关注、关心和爱护( )
①  单亲家庭的孩子
②  身体有残疾的孩子
③  心理有障碍的孩子
④  学习上暂时有困难的孩子