The ( )to her success is her confidence and persistence.
【单选题】 Although Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders __________ will happen to he private life.
①  how
②  who
③  what
④  that
【单选题】 They grabbed her _____ arm and forced her into the car.
①  by her
②  by the
③  in her
④  in the
【单选题】 Linda_______her husband a wallet before her husband bought her a watch.
①  has bought
②  bought
③  had bought
【单选题】 He____________ her out of her money.
①  chatted
②  changed
③  cheated
④  chose
【判断题】 Her home is far from her company.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Her team have helped her to get ( ) the difficult time.
①  across
②  away
③  through
④  around
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【多选题】 Suddenly,_____________ , a good idea came to her.
①  to her disappointment
②  to her great joy
③  to her surprise
④  to her delight
【简答题】 5. What was the way to measure advertisements success initially?
【单选题】 He offered to ___ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.
①  lend
②  help
③  grant
④  loan
【单选题】 ()是指项目监理机构对工程的关键部位或关键工序的施工质量进行的监督活动。
①  平行检验
②  见证取样
③  旁站
④  巡视
【多选题】 工程监理信息系统应具备()基本功能。
①  信息管理
②  动太控制
③  协同工作
④  决策支持
【多选题】 平行检验的方法包括()等。
①  次检
②  试验
③  量测
④  检测
【单选题】 5s中整顿是指()。
①  清扫垃圾
②  清除工作现场垃圾,并防止污染的发生
③  区分要用的和不要用的,不要用的要清除掉
④  要用的东西依规定定位、定量地摆放整齐,明确的标示
【单选题】 整理主要是排除()浪费。
①  时间
②  包装物
③  工具
④  空间
【多选题】 清扫在工程中的位置是()。
①  生产效率高
②  地、物干净
③  清扫是工程中的一部分
④  有空再清扫就行了
【多选题】 5s和产品质量的关系包括()。
①  改善品质
②  没有多大关系
③  增加产量
④  工作方便
【判断题】 5S工作是短期的工作。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 建设单位应当自领取施工许可证之日起()个月内开工。
【单选题】 建设单位隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料申请施工许可证的,发证机关不予受理或者不予许可,并处()罚款。
①  1万元以上5万元以下
②  3万元以上5万元以下
③  5万元以上10万元以下
④  1万元以上3万元以下