His final success ( ) his years of hard work.
depends on
focuses on
concentrates on
dwells on
【单选题】 His success[填空] hard work.
①  is due to
②  due
③  due to
④  is due
【单选题】 I think his hard work will _______ big success in the end.
①  take up
②  put out
③  get by
④  result in
【单选题】 He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
①  that
②  it
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 Success results ___________ hard work, and hard work results in success.
①  from
②  in
③  by
④  with
【单选题】 His father began to work ______ he was seven years old.
①  as old as
②  as early as
③  as soon as
④  as much as
【单选题】 As a result of his hard work, he has gained ______ to the Beijing University.
①  access
②  commitment
③  opportunity
④  reward
【单选题】 5. His father began to work ____he was seven years old.
①  as old as
②  as early as
③  as soon as
④  as much as
【单选题】 He his success to good luck.
①  adds
②  owes
③  apologizes
④  limits
【单选题】 _______ hard work, you don’t have much chance of success.
①  After
②  Without
③  With
④  Before
【单选题】 ____ before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.
①  Though having never acted
②  As he had never acted
③  Despite he had never acted
④  In spite of his never having acted
【单选题】 急性脑血管病中病死率最高的疾病为()。
①  原发性蛛网膜下腔出血
②  脑梗死
③  短暂性脑缺血发作
④  颅内动脉瘤
⑤  脑出血
【单选题】 在故事《小马过河》中,老师问幼儿:“如果你是小马你会求助谁?会想哪些办法?”这属于( )提问。
①  描述性
②  思考性
③  开放性
④  封闭性
【单选题】 在进行儿童文学创造活动时,( )是建立在感受体验基础上的艺术形象创造的活动,是欣赏过程在大脑产生的作品意向的表现。
①  仿编
②  复述和朗诵
③  创编
④  表演
【单选题】 因不良反应很小,可在老年人群中使用的治疗失眠症的药物为()。
①  硝西泮
②  艾司唑仑
③  米氮平
④  唑吡坦和帕罗西汀联用
⑤  雷美尔通
【单选题】 幼儿园的谈话活动着重培养幼儿( )的语言运用能力。
①  与他人交流
②  对话
③  总结性谈话
④  言语表达
【单选题】 儿童学习围绕一定的话题充分表达个人的见解,这是属于( )活动的目标。
①  谈话
②  讲述
③  对话
④  文学作品学习
【单选题】 谈话活动与日常交谈相比较而言,它具有( )。
①  自发性
②  目的性
③  无计划性
④  随机性
【单选题】 教师运用隐性示范引导幼儿充分的听说表达,这主要贯彻( )。
①  随机教育的原则
②  自由与规范相结合的原则
③  直接与间接指导相结合的原则
④  示范与练习相结合的原则
【单选题】 把人物的经历、行为或事物发生、发展、变化用口头语言讲述出来的是( )。
①  议论性讲述
②  说明性讲述
③  描述性讲述
④  叙事性讲述
【单选题】 下面不属于按讲述内容分类的是( )。
①  叙事性讲述
②  看图讲述
③  说明性讲述
④  描述性讲述