He irritates me so much that I could ( ).
【单选题】 一Brand was Jane’s brother!— he reminded me so much of Jane!
①  No doubt
②  Above all
③  No wonder
④  how
【多选题】 ---I’m really so bored with so much homework. --- _______.
①  A.So do I
②  B.So am I
③  C.So I am
④  D.I’m bored too
【单选题】 Thank you ever so much for the scarf you bought me.____________
①  No thanks.
②  No, it’s not so good.
③  I’m glad you like it.
④  Please don’t say so.
【单选题】 Parts of my childhood are so _________ to me that they could be memories of yesterday.
①  prim
②  vivid
③  boring
④  tedious
【判断题】 A: Could you mail the letter for me? B: Yes, I could.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He didn’t ______ to cause so much unhappiness.
①  extend
②  attend
③  intend
④  tend
【单选题】 The magazine is ______reading, so he advised me ____it.
①  well worth; to buy
②  very worth; buying
③  worthing , buying
④  worthy, to buy
【单选题】 Peter could hardly catch what I said, _____ he?
①  could
②  couldn’ t
③  did
④  didn’ t
【单选题】 My father bought me a bicycle____________ I could get to school quickly.
①  so as to
②  so on
③  so that
④  so much
【单选题】 He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.
①  resolved
②  resorted
③  requested
④  reserved
【单选题】 采取呼吸道样本(鼻拭子、咽拭子、含漱液或 痰液)需要准备的采样器材有( )
【单选题】 根据世界卫生组织推荐的急救检伤分类标准,红色标志提示( )
【单选题】 重大突发公共卫生事件由( )依法处置
【单选题】 《电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准》(GB18871-2002)对剂量限值进行如下规定:任何单一年份不应超过( )mSv,当剂量累计达到( )mSv时,应对这种情况进行审查
【单选题】 ( )是危机状态下管理者最有效的应急决策模式
【单选题】 以下哪种情形不属于较大突发公共卫生事件( )
【单选题】 ( )是事后决策的最重要的组成部分
【单选题】 下列关于应急响应的程序叙述有误的是( )
【单选题】 为明确污染物的物理、化学和生物特性,需开展污染物对人群健康的风险评估。风险评估的内容包括( )
【单选题】 突发环境事件的污染物种类按环境要素可分为( )