To survive such an ( ) of a car crash, one has to have incredible luck.
【判断题】 John suggested go together in one car.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 In such an emergency, one has no time to think carefully but to act ( ).
①  exactly
②  precisely
③  hastily
④  instinctively
【单选题】 The gate is too____ for a car; we’ll have to walk through. ?
①  shallow ?
②  loose ?
③  broad ?
④  narrow?
【单选题】 Does Robert have [填空] computer? —Yes,he has [填空] .
①  an,some
②  a,one
③  a,/
④  any,one
【单选题】 —Have you heard about that fire in the market?—Yes, fortunately no one __________.
①  hurt
②  was hurt
③  has hurt
④  had been hurt
【单选题】 This is no time to moralize ______ the follies of countries which have allowed themselves to be struck down one by one.
①  to
②  on
③  by
④  in
【单选题】 I have made _______ dumplings. Now Im making the _______ one.
①  twenty; twentieth-first
②  twenty; twenty-first
③  twentieth; twenty-first
④  twenty; twenty-one
【单选题】 Lucy has been a student there for nearly one and [填空] half years.
①  a
②  an
③  the
④  /
【单选题】 You’ ll have to____ your wrongdoing one day.
①  answer for
②  answer to
③  ask for
④  allow for
【单选题】 I have two hobbies. One is fishing, ____ is cooking.
①  another
②  the other
③  else
④  other
【多选题】 一个公司资本成本的高低,取决于( )。
①  项目风险
②  财务风险溢价
③  无风险报酬率
④  经营风险溢价
【多选题】 对于同一个投资方案来讲,下列表述正确的是()。
①  资本成本越高,净现值越小
②  资本成本越高,净现值越大
③  现值指数大于1时,净现值不一定大于0
④  资本成本等于内含报酬率时,净现值为0
【判断题】 在资金总量不受限制的情况下,评价项目时净现值法总能得出正确的结论。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 经营杠杆并不是经营风险的来源,而只是放大了经营风险。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 公司法规定股份有限公司注册资本的最低数额为500万元。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 协方差为正,表示两项资产的收益率呈反方向变化。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 处于经营收缩期的公司多采取多分少留的收益分配管理政策。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 应收账款周转天数与应收账款周转次数是倒数关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 流动资产的周转天数越长,需要的流动资产投资越多。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 税差理论的前提是股利收益的税率高于资本利得的税率。
①  正确
②  错误