Vegetarianism has ( ) its cranky image
【单选题】 9. By 2008, Beijing ______ its total discharge of pollutants.
①  will reduce
②  will have reduced
③  reduces
④  has reduced
【单选题】 The company has a primary task to ( )its brand name and improve its brand names attractiveness.
①  international
②  internationalization
③  internationalize
④  internationality
【单选题】 Its ( ) that he has been away from home.
①  evident
②  important
③  genuine
④  alternative
【单选题】 Bank of China has ( ) the other rivals by raising its offer.
①  trumped
②  attracted
③  won
④  judged
【单选题】 Every society has its own peculiar customs and____ of acting.
①  attitudes
②  behavior
③  ways
④  means
【单选题】 New York is famous for its skyscrapers,_______has more than 100 storeys.
①  the highest
②  the highest of that
③  the highest of which
④  the highest of them
【单选题】 Australia has its own identity ,which is very different from that of Britian.
①  busy
②  central
③  capable
④  cultural
【单选题】 New York is famous for its skyscrapers,_______has more than 100 storeys.
①  the highest
②  the highest of that
③  the highest of which
④  the highest of them
【单选题】 The human race has already paid a heavy price for its slow _____to environmental threats.
①  response
②  responsibility
③  resolution
④  resistance
【判断题】 Each country has not its own laws about what can or cannot be brought from abroad.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 我国于哪一年开始了广播电视大学教育试点
①  1954
②  1960 C 1978
③  1980
【单选题】 表示事物程序或过程的流程图是
①  简略图
②  图表
③  统计图
④  图片
【单选题】 由于媒体的什么特性,一些专家提出了“地球村”的概念
①  固定性
②  扩散性
③  重复性
④  能动性
【单选题】 统计图是数据资料的什么表示
①  真实化
②  组织化
③  类比化
④  形象化
【单选题】 编码的过程是
①  A,信息转换为符号
②  信息转换为信号
③  符号转换为信号
④  信号转换为符号
【判断题】 教师要成为有效的协调员和引导者。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 学生已学过分数概念又学习了真分数、假分数的概念,它们与分数概念属于( )。
①  总括同化
②  类属同化
③  并列同化
④  上位同化
【单选题】 若把概念的形成作为发现学习,那么,概念的同化就是( )。
①  范例学习
②  接受学习
③  尝试学习
④  发现学习
【单选题】 数学概念是客观现实中( )的本质属性在人脑中的反映。
①  数量关系
②  空间形式
③  数学现象
④  数量关系与空间形式
【判断题】 概念是儿童空间几何知识学习的起点。( )
①  正确
②  错误