In such an emergency, one has no time to think carefully but to act ( ).
【单选题】 Many Americans worry about leisure and hurry from one activity to the next, __________ little time to stop and think.
①  leave
②  leaving
③  left
④  to leave
【单选题】 Every one of you is looking forward ___ getting a good result. Better think carefully before writing down your answers. Wish you success!
①  ?on
②  ? in
③  ?to
④  ? of
【单选题】 I think the story is not so ______ as that one.
①  Interesting
②  interested
③  more interesting
④  most interesting
【单选题】 4. I think the story is not so ____as that one.
①  interesting
②  interested
③  more interesting
④  most interesting
【单选题】 This is no time to moralize ______ the follies of countries which have allowed themselves to be struck down one by one.
①  to
②  on
③  by
④  in
【单选题】 By the time you graduate, we _____in Australia for one year.
①  will be staying
②  will have stayed
③  would have stayed
④  have stayed
【单选题】 It is the third time that he has waltzed off with the ( ) award.
①  covert
②  coverted@coverting
③  coverts
【单选题】 Time is not enough for so much work. ______ people are needed, I think.
①  Other two
②  Only two
③  Two more
④  Two others
【单选题】 To survive such an ( ) of a car crash, one has to have incredible luck.
①  collision
②  incident
③  occurrence
④  impact
【单选题】 It’s sunny today. It has stopped ______ for a long time.
①  raining
②  to rain
【单选题】 ()的内容包括设定绩效指标和绩效标准。
①  绩效实施
②  绩效反馈
③  绩效考核
④  绩效计划
【单选题】 平衡积分卡法从财务、顾客、内部运营过程和()四个方面评价绩效。
①  战略
②  学习与成长
③  组织
④  增长
【单选题】 相对行为评价法通过将员工与()比较来衡量绩效
①  其他人
②  绩效目标
③  绩效标准
④  绩效尺度
【单选题】 考核者根据员工的某方面优良绩效评价其全部绩效,因此产生的评价误差是()
①  宽大化误差
②  居中趋势误差
③  晕轮误差
④  触角误差
【单选题】 评价员工素质可运用()
①  目标管理法
②  混合标准尺度法
③  行为对照表法
④  关键事件法
【单选题】 ()是指尽可能用数字表示绩效指标的实现程度。
①  目标一致原则
②  突出重点原则
③  可度量性原则
④  可接受性原则
【多选题】 影响绩效的因素主要有()
①  自我价值实现
②  劳动环境
③  经济激励
④  技能
【多选题】 绩效可以从()等方面界定
①  工作内容
②  行为方式
③  结果与预期
④  工作成果
【多选题】 制定绩效计划应遵循()等原则
①  目标一致
②  突出重点
③  可度量性
④  可接受性
【多选题】 从考核的目的来看,绩效指标有()
①  结果
②  行为
③  能力
④  策略