Dont waste your time on these ( ) things.
【单选题】 First please be ( ) during your travel,otherwise we will waste time.
①  on time
②  in time
③  at the time
④  by the time
【单选题】 It is a waste of time ____with such a silly fellow.
①  trying to reason
②  tried to reason
③  for trying to reason
④  to trying reasoning
【单选题】 Dont be too ____ about things youre not supposed to know.
①  strange
②  amusing
③  curious
④  conscious
【单选题】 If the scheme is _____carried out without waste of time or energy I shall be completely satisfied.
①  relatively
②  noticeably
③  appropriately
④  efficiently
【单选题】 _______ all your time on this problem is not suitable.
①  Spending
②  To spend
③  Spend
【判断题】 A: What time is it? B: Sorry, I dont have a watch with me.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Dont leave your keys in the car. Someone might steal____ .
①  one
②  that
③  this
④  it
【单选题】 Thank you for your time. I’m looking forward to ______.
①  you reply
②  your reply
③  you answer
④  you to answer
【判断题】 A: Do you think I could borrow your bicycle? B: Take your time.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 After filling out this form, please dont forget to______ your name.
①  sign
②  sigh
③  scribble
④  jot
【单选题】 补阳还五汤的功用为( )
①  活血行气通络
②  补气行气活血
③  行气祛瘀通络
④  补气活血通络
【单选题】 血府逐瘀汤的功效是( )
①  补气活血通络
②  破血下瘀
③  活血祛瘀,行气止痛
④  化瘀生新,温经止痛
【多选题】 金锁固精丸与固冲汤共有的药物是( )
①  白术
②  山萸肉
③  龙骨
④  牡蛎
【单选题】 牡蛎散的功效是( )
①  益气生津,敛阴止汗
②  益气固表,敛阴止汗
③  敛肺止咳,益气养阴
④  涩肠止泻,温中补虚
【多选题】 酸枣仁汤的组成药物有( )
①  茯苓
②  酸枣仁 、知母
③  川芎
④  甘草
【单选题】 理中丸主治证是( )
①  脾胃虚寒证
②  虚寒腹痛证
③  脾胃气虚证
④  虚寒呕吐证
【单选题】 当归四逆汤所治厥逆的发病机理是( )
①  肝郁气滞
②  肾阳衰微,阴阳之气不相顺接
③  元气大亏,阳气暴脱
④  血虚寒凝,阳气不得温通四末
【多选题】 理中丸可以治疗的病证有 ( )
①  脾胃虚寒证
②  阳虚失血证
③  小儿慢惊
④  胸痹
【多选题】 治疗心悸失眠,舌红的方剂有 ( )
①  朱砂安神丸
②  天王补心丹
③  炙甘草汤
④  酸枣仁汤
【多选题】 以下为固涩剂的使用禁忌( )
①  热痢初起
②  火扰遗泄
③  食带泄泻
④  热病多汗