The old couple, whose kids have all passed away, have to ( ) only with their small pensions.
get at
get to
get by
get through
【单选题】 Her team have helped her to get ( ) the difficult time.
①  across
②  away
③  through
④  around
【单选题】 The rich get __________ and the poor get _________.
①  richer, poorer
②  B.
③  richer, poor
④  rich, poor
⑤  rich, poorer
【单选题】 Women have to be more ____ than men if they want to get anywhere in the business world.
①  difficult
②  ambitious
③  traditional
④  conservative
【判断题】 Youll have to get off here.??This is enough far for we go.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these hobbies can get ___ of schoolwork.
①  ?on the way
②  ?in the way
③  ? by the way
④  ?out of the way
【单选题】 There are ________ people in front of the cinema gate so we have to wait ________ time to get into the cinema.
①  too much; much too
②  too many; too much
③  much too; too much
④  too much; too many
【多选题】 A: ________________ get off?B: Get off at the post office.
①  Where should I
②  What should I
③  Can you tell me where to
④  Can you tell me what to
【单选题】 10.--Do you have ________ athome now, Stella? --No, we still have to get several pounds of fruit and some tea.
①  something
②  everything
③  nothing
④  anything
【单选题】 —Can you take the day off tomorrow? —Well, I’ll have to get ____ from my boss.
①  permission
②  permit
③  allowance
④  possession
【单选题】 16. I have been climbing _____ Alps, But I never managed to get up_____ Mont Blanc.
①  the, /
②  . /, the
③  The, the
④  The, a
【单选题】 ( )用于展示个人专长及标签,便于粉丝确认识别。
①  百家号名称
②  百家号签名
③  百家号介绍
【单选题】 ( )是为了消除用户对广告产生的厌恶心理,而对广告进行一定程度的设计,使广告与内容保持和谐,甚至成为内容的一部分。
①  原生广告
②  LoopMe
③  游戏内置广告
【单选题】 ( )是将广告内置到游戏中,让用户在玩游戏的过程中点击。
①  原生广告
②  LoopMe
③  游戏内置广告
【单选题】 ( )是依附于移动设备上的一种编码方式。
①  二维码
②  APP
③  小程序
【单选题】 二维码营销的形式包括:( )
①  按使用次数
②  按推送内容
③  以上都正确
【单选题】 App是英文( )的简称,中文直译为“应用”或“运用”。
①  Application
②  Application Program
③  AB都不正确
【单选题】 “微信之父”张小龙( )第一次推出小程序介绍。
①  2016年
②  2017年
③  2018年
【单选题】 游戏营销的特点包括( )
①  初始界面
②  使用次数
③  创意性
【单选题】 随着移动互联网时代的到来,人类获取信息和发布信息比以往更为便捷、容易,且通过移动互联网进行沟通的频率也越来越高。这是指游戏营销的( )特点。
①  趣味性
②  互动性
③  创意性
【单选题】 游戏营销平台的类型不包括( )
①  O2O营销平台
②  社交网络平台
③  网络游戏平台
④  百度系