He raised his voice to an even higher() .
【单选题】 Only by shouting at the top of his voice ____.
①  he was able to make himself hear
②  he was able to make himself heard
③  was he able to make himself heard
④  was he able to make himself hear
【单选题】 He_____ comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don’ t like it.
①  shall
②  may
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.
①  novel
②  spoil
③  acceptable
④  additional
【单选题】 His salary as a driver is much higher than ______.
①  a porter
②  is a porter
③  that of a porter
④  as a porter
【单选题】 Abraham Lincoln was raised to farm work, ____ he continued until he was twenty-two.
①  since
②  as
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 Even as _____, he made several wonderful inventions.
①  a stock
②  a representative
③  undergraduate
④  a gulf
【单选题】 Even if his letter ____ tomorrow, it ____ too late to do anything.
①  will arrive...is
②  should arrive...were
③  arrives...will be
④  arrives...would be
【判断题】 His government insisited that he stay until he finished his degree.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He was _____ his late twenties when he found his first job.
①  in
②  after
③  after
④  from
【单选题】 ____ he tried his best , he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【判断题】 在普通视图或幻灯片视图中,显示要插入声音的幻灯片,选择“插入”菜单中的“影片和声音”命令,选择“文件中的声音”,选择所需声音的类别,从弹出的菜单中选择“插入剪辑”按钮。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在“插入声音”对话框中选中一个类别后点击鼠标右键会出现一个菜单,请问如果要把当前选定的声音插入幻灯片,应该使用该菜单中的哪个命令( )
①  插入剪辑
②  播放剪辑
③  查找类似剪辑
④  将剪辑添加到收藏夹或其他类别
【单选题】 “动作设置”对话框中的“ 鼠标移过”表示( )
①  所设置的按钮采用单击鼠标执行动作的方式
②  所设置的按钮采用双击鼠标执行动作的方式
③  所设置的按钮采用自动执行动作的方式
④  所设置的按钮采用鼠标移过动作的方式
【单选题】 “自定义动画”对话框的“效果”栏中的“引入文本”有几种方式( )
①  整批发送、按字、按字母
②  整批发送,按字、按大小
③  按字、按字母
④  整批发送,按字
【单选题】 PowerPoint中,在幻灯片的占位符中添加的文本有什么要求( )
①  只要是文本形式就行
②  文本中不能含有数字
③  文本中不能含有中文
④  文本必须简短
【单选题】 PowerPoint中,用自选图形在幻灯片中添加文本时,在菜单栏中选哪个菜单开始( )
①  视图
②  插入
③  格式
④  工具
【单选题】 PowerPoint中,移动文本时,如果在两个幻灯片上移动会有什么后果( )
①  操作系统进入死锁状态
②  文本无法复制
③  文本复制正常
④  文本会丢失
【单选题】 如果要对一个动作按钮设定大小,该如何操作( )
①  在“幻灯片放映”中选择“动作按钮”,出现设置大小的对话框
②  在“幻灯片放映”中选择“动作按钮”,单击一种动作按钮,在幻灯片中按住鼠标左键不放,拖出想要按钮的大小
③  在“幻灯片放映”中选择“动作按钮”,单击一种动作按钮弹出一个设置按钮大小的对话框设定大小
④  以上操作都不正确
【单选题】 如果要给一张幻灯片加上某种动画效果,则应该在哪里操作( )
①  幻灯片预览中的“幻灯片切换效果”列表
②  幻灯片预览中的“预设动画”列表
③  幻灯片预览中的“动画预览”
④  幻灯片预览中的“常规任务”
【判断题】 在“自定义动画”对话框中,不能对当前的设置进行预览。
①  正确
②  错误