A man with considerable ( ) can often find the nature of things, however complicated the facial phenomenon appears.
【判断题】 The teachers tried to __convince____ these students that they could solve the complicated problem, however, they just didn’t see the point.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Water_________ both by man and other living things.
①  was needed
②  is needed
③  needs
④  are needed
【单选题】 Much importance should be ( ) to physical and mental health of students, which, however, is often neglected.
①  attached
②  detached
③  stressed
④  thrown
【单选题】 It is often more difficult to find trained men than ____ for scientific research.
①  getting financial support
②  to getting financial support
③  to get financial support
④  in getting financial support
【单选题】 Many joggers feel that if they can succeed in jogging, they can succeed in_________ things as well.
①  other
②  the other
③  others
④  another
【单选题】 The computer could calculate much faster and better than man [] however, it could not drink.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【单选题】 Sorry, I can’t find the books you asked for.____________
①  Don’t mention it.
②  It’s your fault.
③  Thanks anyway.
④  I won’t forgive you.
【多选题】 _____________ , computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better.
①  In time
②  In fact
③  Actually
④  As a matter of fact
【单选题】 The old lady was _______ to the young man who helped her find her lost generation.
①  touched
②  cheerful
③  gratefu
④  generous
【单选题】 It is said that people can ______ or deposit money from bank through facial recognition, ie, they dont have to use a bank card.
①  snatch
②  rob
③  draw
④  pull
【单选题】 领导水平的提升要学会批评下属,先表扬,再批评,再表扬的批评方法是( )。
①  A.期望式批评
②  B.如果式批评
③  C.三明治批评
④  D.居高临下式批评
【单选题】 截至2010年底,全国乡镇一级的专业技术人才共592.2万,占全国专业技术人才总数的( )。
①  A.8.3%
②  B.18.3%
③  C.28.3%
④  D.58.3%
【单选题】 根据国家专业技术人员知识更新工程的要求,我国要在2011年至2020年中建立( )个国家级专业技术人员继续教育基地。
①  A.100
②  B.200
③  C.300
④  D.400
【单选题】 修订后的《职业病分类和目录》由原来的115种职业病调整为()种。
①  A.122
②  B.132
③  C.145
④  D.156
【单选题】 全国专业技术人员继续教育工作行政主管部门是( )。
①  A.人力资源社会保障部
②  B.教育部
③  C.劳动部
④  D.财政部
【单选题】 科学技术创新活动国际化趋势进一步加强,其竞争也更加激烈,竞争的焦点是
①  A.人才
②  B.知识
③  C.技术
④  D.制度
【单选题】 关于互联网技术中的“物”,下列描述正确的是()。
①  A.云计算
②  B.大数据
③  C.移动互联网
④  D.物联网
【单选题】 2008年以后,第()信息传输技术:传输2亿路信号。
①  A.一代
②  B.二代
③  C.三代
④  D.四代
【单选题】 转型期的规范变革指的是()。
①  A.人与职位匹配
②  B.人与组织匹配
③  C.人与人匹配
④  D.人与组织及环境多层次匹配
【单选题】 强调坚持创新发展,要发挥()在全面创新中的引领作用。
①  A.文化创新
②  B.制度创新
③  C.理念创新
④  D.科技创新