Apart from the meaning of broadening one’s horizon, to ( ) also means to be alert to and be aware of the potential danger of something.
keep an eye on
fix one’s eyes on
turn a blind eye to
open one’s eyes
【单选题】 In the eyes of the author, one should start from ______ in wide reading.
①  interesting materials
②  books with very few pages
③  materials not too difficult
④  both A and C
【单选题】 Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.
①  critical
②  aware
③  visual
④  effective
【单选题】 Fulfilling one’s true potential requires setting appropriate goals and exerting theto accomplish them.
①  self-criticism
②  self-doubt
③  self-discipline
④  self-employment
【单选题】 In the wife’s eyes, his _____ to their marriage life is far from perfect.
①  requirement
②  commitment
③  participation
④  reflection
【单选题】 16.One man’s meat is _____ man’s poison.
①  the other
②  any
③  all
④  another
【单选题】 No one thought that John’s suggestion was worth ____.?
①  ?to consider ?
②  considering ?
③  to be considered ?
④  of consideration?
【单选题】 OK, 1000 Yuan for one rug. That’s the ______!
①  dear
②  deal
③  trade
④  trading
【单选题】 Joyce’s masterpiece, ______ gives and accounts of man’s life during one day (16 June, 1904).
①  Dubliners
②  Finnegans Wake
③  Ulysses
④  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 25.I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ___________ .
①  comfortable
②  more comfortable
【单选题】 printf中要输出整形变量,占位符为
①  %c
②  %s
③  %f
④  %d
【单选题】 若变量已正确定义,有以下程序段int a=3,b=5,c=7;if(ab)a=b;c=a;if(c!=a)c=b;;printf(%d,%d,%d\na,b,c)其输出结果是
①  语法错误
②  3,5,3
③  3,5,5
④  3,5,7
【单选题】 下列程序执行后的输出结果是________. #include stdio.h void main( ) { int a=5,b=60,c; if (ab) {c=a*b;printf(%d*%d=%d\n,b,a,c);} else {c=b/a;printf(%d/%d=%d\n,b,a,c);} }
①  60/5=12
②  300
③  60*5=300
④  12
【单选题】 已有以下数组定义和f函数调用语句,int a[3][4];f(a);则在f函数的说明中,对形参数组array的错误定义方式为:
①  f(int array[][6]);
②  f(int array[3][]);
③  f(int array[][4]);
④  f(int array[2][5]);
【单选题】 下面代码:int a[5];int *p;a[0]=1;a[1]=2;p=a;*p的值
①  a
②  1
③  2
④  null
【单选题】 下列标识符定义正确的是
①  c345
②  23ab
③  crystal@qq.com
④  include
【单选题】 执行 int a=5%2后a的值
①  1
②  2
③  2.5
④  3
【单选题】 for(表达式1;;表达式3)可理解为____。
①  for(表达式1;0;表达式3)
②  for(表达式1; 表达式1;表达式3)
③  for(表达式1; 表达式3;表达式3)
④  for(表达式1;1;表达式3)
【单选题】 for(表达式1;;表达式3)可理解为____。
①  for(表达式1;0;表达式3)
②  for(表达式1; 表达式1;表达式3)
③  for(表达式1; 表达式3;表达式3)
④  for(表达式1;1;表达式3)
【单选题】 下面代码:int x=10,y,*p;*p=y=*p;y的值
①  1
②  10
③  3
④  错误