His ( ) as a social worker brings him much thinking of the meaning of life and charity.
【单选题】 It [填空] him an hour to finish his work.
①  take
②  takes
③  took
④  taking
【单选题】 What meaning is referred to if we say the meaning of “dog” is an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  extended meaning
④  inspired meaning.
【单选题】 Volunteer work is an important part of ()life.
①  neighbourhood
②  community
③  region
④  district
【判断题】 Discovery strategies consist of determination strategies and social strategies used in discovering the meaning of a new word.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 No one, except his two best friends ____his joy or sorrow in his life.
①  shares
②  share
③  sharing
④  to share
【单选题】 _______I hated most was the difficulties in the work in my early career, but now I like them.
①  That
②  What
③  /
【单选题】 Tom ____ his new job with confidence.
①  set out
②  set off
③  set up
④  set about
【单选题】 Our manager is so __________ in his thinking, he never listens to new ideas.
①  rigid
②  tedious
③  boring
④  vivid
【单选题】 The greatest tragedy in life is not to lose too much,but care about too much,_________ is an important reason people are not happy.
①  who
②  that
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 This painting is ____ of his work.
①  critical
②  logical
③  typical
④  feature
【单选题】 甲在火车上见到乙带有贵重物品,与其搭讪并将随身携带的麻药投入乙的水杯后,趁其昏睡之际,把乙的包裹拿走,请问甲的行为构成( )罪名
①  抢劫罪
②  盗窃罪
③  侵占罪
④  抢夺罪
【多选题】 下列哪些说法是错误的?
①  脱逃罪与破坏监管秩序罪的主体是依法被关押的罪犯、被告人与犯罪嫌疑人
②  伪证罪的主体是证人、鉴定人、记录人、翻译人、辩护人与诉讼代理人
③  贷款诈骗罪的主体既可以是自然人,也可以是单位
④  信用卡诈骗罪的主体只能是自然人,而不能是单位
【单选题】 某仓库保管员被两名犯罪分子捆绑在门柱上不能动弹,任凭两个犯罪分子从仓库中取走价值2万元的货物。该仓库保管员的行为属于( )。
①  不作为犯罪
②  胁从犯
③  因身体受强制不构成犯罪
④  过失犯罪
【单选题】 判决执行以前先行羁押一日折抵刑期一日的刑种是( )。
①  管制
②  拘役
③  无期徒刑
④  死刑缓期两年执行
【单选题】 疏忽大意过失致人死亡与意外事件致人死亡相区别的关键是()
①  犯罪的主体不同
②  侵害的客体不同
③  行为的方式不同
④  对他人的死亡结果能否预见不同
【多选题】 已满十四周岁不满十八周岁的人,犯什么罪应当负刑事责任。
①  抢夺
②  贩卖毒品
③  强奸
④  抢劫
【单选题】 醉酒驾驶是属于( )类罪的具体罪名
①  危害国家安全罪
②  危害公共安全罪
③  侵害公民人身、民主权利罪
④  妨害社会秩序罪
【单选题】 、甲欲杀乙,故意将装好子弹的枪交给丙,并骗丙说是空枪,让丙向乙瞄准吓唬乙,结果乙中弹身亡。甲、丙 ( )
①  构成共同犯罪
②  不构成共同犯罪
③  构成共同过失犯罪
④  分别构成不同犯罪
【单选题】 李某经常指使其12岁的儿子盗窃他人财物,数额巨大。李某和其儿子的行为属于:
①  共同犯罪
②  李某为教唆犯,儿子儿子为胁从犯
③  李某与儿子均不构成犯罪
④  李某单独构成犯罪,儿子不构成犯罪
【单选题】 甲正在偷乙的钱包,被乙发现后,遂一拳将乙打到,借机抢得钱包逃跑。请问甲的行为构成( )罪名
①  盗窃罪
②  抢夺罪
③  抢劫罪
④  故意伤害罪