The Chinese ( ) paper for two thousand years.
have made
have been making
had made
are being made
【单选题】 I have made _______ dumplings. Now Im making the _______ one.
①  twenty; twentieth-first
②  twenty; twenty-first
③  twentieth; twenty-first
④  twenty; twenty-one
【判断题】 The past 22 years have really been amazing, and every prediction we’ve made about improvements have al come __true__
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:The past 22 years have really been amazing, and every prediction we’ve made about improvements have al come __true__
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 You have made a ( ) for 8 twins and 4 singles.
①  reserving
②  reserve
③  reserved
④  reservation
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【单选题】 You can not see the doctor ____ you have made an appointment with him.?
①  except ?
②  even ?
③  unless ?
④  however?
【单选题】 Paper_______by Chinese for thousands of years now.
①  has made
②  has been made
③  was made
【单选题】 She didn’ t come to the party last Sunday._____, she must have made the party more exciting.
①  If she came
②  Would she come
③  Had she come Did she come
【单选题】 She had made many ( ) into the quality of the computer before buying one.
①  inquiry
②  inquiries
③  search
④  research
【单选题】 It was the training that he had as a young man ____made him such a good engineer.
①  that
②  has
③  what
④  later
【单选题】 EXCEL操作中,在“记录单”对话框右上角显示“4/20”,则可看出该数据表共有( )条记录。
①  4
②  20
③  16
④  24
【单选题】 以下描述中,属于Win 7操作系统的特点是()。1)更易用 2)更快速 3)更简单 4)更安全
①  仅1)
②  仅 1)和2)
③  仅1)、2)和3)
④  全部
【单选题】 在word 2003的下列菜单中,含有设定字体命令的是()。
①  编辑
②  格式
③  工具
④  视图
【单选题】 对于Excel 2010工作表,下列说法错误的是( )。
①  工作表中的行、列被隐藏后,可以用鼠标将隐藏的行、列重新拖出
②  工作表中的行、列被隐藏后,对工作表的任何操作都将不影响这些行与列
③  不同的列,列宽可以不一样
④  用“取消隐藏”命令不可以显示因为自动筛选而隐藏的行
【单选题】 在Excel 2010中,可以通过()选项卡的功能区设置条件格式。
①  开始
②  插入
③  公式
④  数据
【单选题】 微型计算机硬件系统中最核心的部件是()。
①  内存储器
②  显示器
③  CPU
④  硬盘
【单选题】 在Powerpoint 2010中,不属于“开始”选项卡工具命令的是()。
①  新建幻灯片
②  幻灯片母版
③  粘贴
④  版式
【单选题】 多媒体技术发展的基础是( )。
①  数字化技术和计算机技术的结合
②  数据库与操作系统的结合
③  cpu的发展
④  通信技术的发展
【单选题】 微机中1K字节表示的二进制位数是( )。
①  1000
②  8*1000
③  1024
④  8*1024
【单选题】 完整的计算机系统同时包括( )。
①  硬件系统和软件系统
②  主机与外设
③  输入/输出设备
④  内存与外存