He wished to earn a living through writing but ( ) doing so.
succeeded in
was proud of
despaired of
was pleased with
【简答题】 What did the poor farmer and his wife do to earn a living?
【单选题】 He cannot ____ a car, for he does not earn much money.
①  obtain
②  afford
③  donate
④  consume
【单选题】 3. She was so pleased that she felt like _______.
①  to find someone to talk
②  to find some to talk to
③  finding someone to talk
④  finding someone to talk to
【单选题】 He __________ to arrange a loan through a finance company.
①  tried
②  succeeded
③  managed
④  endeavored
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? While doing a writing task either individually or in groups, the students need to use a particular word they don’t know. So they ask the teacher.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  participant
④  Resource-provider.
【单选题】 What [填空] he doing last Sunday?
①  is
②  was
③  are
④  were
【单选题】 The bosses give them low wages, because it is expected that you will ( ). If you don’t, the service person can’t earn a living.
①  make up the different
②  make up the difference
③  make out the difference
④  make out the different
【单选题】 Little Tom is an orphan(孤儿). _____, he has to make a living by himself.
①  A child as he is
②  Child as he is
③  Child as is he A child though he is
【单选题】 He is writing his stories ___________ Monday___________Friday.
①  both...and
②  either...or
③  from...to
④  between...and
【单选题】 He is so shy that he ____ speaks in the public.
①  often
②  frequently
③  seldom
④  sometimes
【单选题】 活血化瘀,益气养阴的是()。
①  石斛夜光颗粒
②  明目地黄丸
③  黄连羊肝丸
④  复方血栓通胶囊
⑤  障眼明片
【单选题】 耳聋左慈丸的主治是()。
①  肝阳上亢所致的耳鸣耳聋
②  阴虚内热所致的耳鸣耳聋
③  外感风寒所致的耳鸣耳聋
④  肝胆湿热所致的耳聋耳鸣
⑤  肝肾阴虚所致的耳鸣耳聋
【单选题】 主治肺气不足、风邪外袭所致的鼻痒、喷嚏、流清涕、易感冒的常用中成药是()。
①  霍胆丸
②  辛芩颗粒
③  鼻炎康片
④  千柏鼻炎片
⑤  鼻渊舒口服液
【单选题】 主治外感风热所致的急喉痹、急乳蛾的成药是()。
①  冰硼散
②  六神丸
③  桂林西瓜霜
④  玄麦甘桔颗粒
⑤  复方鱼腥草片
【单选题】 口炎清颗粒除解毒消肿外,又能()。
①  滋阴凉血
②  清热燥湿
③  滋阴清热
④  滋阴益肾
⑤  益气养阴
【单选题】 活血化瘀,接骨续筋的中成药是()。
①  接骨七厘片
②  跌打丸
③  接骨丸
④  七厘散
⑤  活血止痛散
【单选题】 为了说理透彻需要考虑选择合适的论证方法。常见的论证方法包括例证法、引证法、喻证法、对比法、类比法等。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 轴承的组合设计通常要考虑一下问题( )
①  轴承组合的调整
②  滚动轴承的配合与装拆以及润滑和密封
③  以上为正确答案
④  轴承的轴向固定
【单选题】 关于辅料酒说法错误的是( )。
①  矫臭矫味
②  散瘀止痛
③  活血通络
④  行药势
⑤  辛甘、大热
【单选题】 下列不属于炒牛蒡子炮制作用的是( )。
①  易于煎出有效成分
②  产生香气,宣散作用更佳
③  杀酶保苷,利于苷类成分的保存
④  产生止血、止泻作用
⑤  缓和寒滑之性,以免伤中