The rent is reasonable, and ( ), the subway station is near by .
【单选题】 Therefore,otherthings_________equal,thenumberofworkersthatemployerswantdecreases.
①  is
②  are
③  being
④  having
【单选题】 A hospital was built [填空] the railway station.
①  on
②  near
③  next to
④  in
【判断题】 There are many buses at the station.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ____ in a quiet neighborhood.
①  all in all
②  after all
③  above all
④  over all
【单选题】 A: Is there a bank near here? B: [填空].
①  Its very far
②  Its here
③  Yes, there is a big one
④  Its very crowded
【单选题】 Dieters should try to reach and __________ a reasonable weight.
①  contain
②  secure
③  reserve
④  maintain
【单选题】 When I arrived at the station, he[填空] the train.
①  left
②  leave
③  having left
④  had left
【单选题】 Agreatnumberofcollegesandfactories____since1949.
①  hasbeenestablish
②  havebeenestablished
③  haveestablished
④  hadbeenestablished
【单选题】 The power station____________ its supply of electricity day and night.
①  misunderstands
②  maintains
③  measures
④  masters
【单选题】 It was I [填空] met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.
①  what
②  which
③  when
④  that
【单选题】 已知单相交流电路中某负载视在功率为5kVA,有功功率为4kW,则其无功功率Q为(  )。
①  1kVar
②  3kVar
③  9kVar
④  0kVar
【单选题】 某电容C与电阻R串联,其串联等效阻抗|Z|=10Ω,已知容抗Xc=7.07Ω,则电阻R为(  )。
①  17.07Ω
②  7.07Ω
③  2.93Ω
④  10Ω
【单选题】 电阻是耗能元件,电感是(  )元件。
①  耗能
②  不耗能
③  储存电场能
④  储存磁场能
【单选题】 单管放大电路中,当电源EC和集电极电阻RC确定后,若基极电流IB太大会引起(  ),IB太小会引起(  )。
①  饱和失真,截止失真
②  截止失真,饱和失真
③  截止失真,截止失真
④  饱和失真,饱和失真
【单选题】 理想运算放大器的(   )。
①  差模输入电阻趋于无穷大,开环输出电阻等于零
②  差模输入电阻等于零,开环输出电阻等于零
③  差模输入电阻趋于无穷大,开环输出电阻趋于无穷大
④  差模输入电阻等于零,开环输出电阻趋于无穷大
【单选题】 一个NPN三极管在电路中正常工作,现测得UBE<0,UBC<0,UCE>0,则此管工作区为(  )。
①  饱和区
②  截止区
③  放大区
【单选题】 运算放大器的输出电压与反相输入端加入的信号(  )。
①  同相
②  反相
③  无关
【单选题】 <imgdata-url="doc/a@F2A7E4B2617A013170ED03C846074448.bmp"data-preview_url_ueditor="doc/a@F2A7E4B2617A013170ED03C846074448.bmp"src=""/>
①  -2V
②  2V
③  6V
④  8V
【判断题】 在电路的暂态响应中,由电容的电压和电感的电流引起的响应为零状态响应。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在电压比较器中,集成运放工作在线性区。
①  正确
②  错误