【单选题】 关于脑脊液常规阐述正确的是
①  正常脑积液是乳白色
②  清晰透明的脑脊液均为正常
③  脓性脑膜炎患者脑脊液12~24h液面有薄膜形成
④  病毒性脑膜炎患者脑脊液葡萄糖浓度变化不明显
⑤  化脓性脑膜炎脑脊液氯化物含量明显降低
【单选题】 颅中窝骨折出现脑脊液耳漏的处理原则是
①  卧床休息,头低位
②  使用脱水剂减少脑脊液外漏
③  给予镇静止痛药
④  用棉球堵塞外耳道减少脑脊液外漏
⑤  用生理盐水棉球清洁外耳道
【单选题】 最容易通过血-脑脊液屏障的物质是
①  CO2和O2
②  乙醇和麻醉剂
③  H2O
④  K+
【单选题】 关于脑脊液标本采集,以下正确的是
①  所有标本放在一个试管中送检即可
②  所有试管无需无菌
③  标本可以低温保存过夜
④  标本采集无禁忌证
⑤  标本应分别收集于3~4只无菌试管内,及时送检
【多选题】 对脑,脊髓被膜的描述中,错误的是().
①  A.硬脑膜与颅顶骨结合较松,而与颅底骨紧密相贴
②  B.硬脑膜形成大脑镰和小脑幕
③  C.蛛网膜参与构成脉络丛
④  D.脑和脊髓的硬膜外腔在枕骨大孔处相通
【单选题】 在颅内压的生理调节机制中起主要作用的是
①  颅内静脉血
②  脑脊液量
③  脑组织中含水量
④  血液中PaCO2
⑤  血液中PaO2
【单选题】 对肺泡气分压变化起缓冲作用的肺容量是:
①  补吸气量
②  潮气量
③  补呼气量
④  深吸气量
⑤  功能余气量
【简答题】 简述脑脊液产生的部位及循环途径
【单选题】 下列关于蛛网膜下腔出血的描述错误的是()
①  起病急骤、炸裂样头痛、恶心及喷射性呕吐
②  头痛与脑膜刺激征2~3天后逐渐减轻或消失
③  老年人意识障碍较重,头痛、脑膜刺激征可不典型
④  儿童少年以血管畸形破裂多见
⑤  青壮年以脑动脉瘤破裂多见
【单选题】 脑脊液分流术Ⅰ类手术切口,可能的污染菌是( )
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[compromise; doom; due to; financial; rarely; security; source; survey; unique; valid]1. The project was[填空1]right from the beginning.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]9. What she said[填空1]me that I was mistaken.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]3. Every term students are given the opportunity to[填空1]their instructors.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[capture; desperate; turn out; so far; in question; domestic; equivalent; exploit; inspire; apart from; be obsessed by; in that case; promote; intimate; recession; trend; go by; take refuge in]2. Latelythere has been a[填空1]towards hiring younger, cheaper employees.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[significant; consequent; conduct; fulfill; assess; competence; obtain; efficiency; convention; charge]4. Julian says he hopes to get a job and find a way to[填空1]a college educatioin.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[sharp; sustainable; soar; grim; release; bleak; initiative; insight; negative; alter]7. Millennium Development Goals isa UN[填空1]that aims to reduce socioeconomic problems by 2015.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]2. Thehours that a child plays incompany with his peers[填空1]his life space and provide him with experience in getting along with others.
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into English.教师首先要考虑的事情之一是唤起学生的兴趣,激发他们的创造力。
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into Chinese.Just show th clerk a piece of paper with my name written on it
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into English.虽年事已高,爱迪生仍和许多年轻人一样活跃,充满创造力。