乳剂的附加剂不包括( )。
【判断题】 11. 乳剂组成包括:水相、油相和乳化剂。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 常用的W/O型乳剂的乳化剂是
①  吐温80
②  聚乙二醇
③  卵磷脂
④  司盘80
【单选题】 可用于静脉注射乳剂的乳化剂的是
①  Span 20
②  Tween 20
③  明胶
④  豆磷脂
【多选题】 12. 下列物质可作为乳剂乳化剂的有
①  豆磷脂
②  明胶
③  阿拉伯胶
④  琼脂
⑤  三氯化铝
【单选题】 下列固体微粒乳化剂中哪个是W/O型乳化剂( )。
①  二氧化硅
②  皂土
③  氢氧化铝
④  氢氧化钙
【单选题】 18. 混悬剂的附加剂不包括
①  增溶剂
②  助悬剂
③  润湿剂
④  絮凝剂
⑤  防腐剂
【单选题】 以二氧化硅为乳化剂形成乳剂,其乳化膜是( )。
①  单分子乳化膜
②  多分子乳化膜
③  固体粉末乳化膜
④  复合凝聚膜
【单选题】 3.常用于W/O型乳剂型基质乳化剂
①  吐温类
②  聚乙二醇
③  卖泽类
④  泊洛沙姆
⑤  司盘类
【单选题】 9.常用于O/W型乳剂型基质乳化剂
①  三乙醇胺皂
②  羊毛脂
③  硬脂酸钙
④  司盘类
⑤  胆固醇
【单选题】 12. 下列固体微粒乳化剂中哪个是W/O型乳化剂
①  氢氧化镁
②  二氧化硅
③  皂土
④  氢氧化铝
⑤  氢氧化钙
【单选题】 12.To make him stay, the manager _______him a pay rise.
①  gave
②  declared
③  promised
④  assured
【单选题】 20. Sometimes we might see a person’s _____world from his behavior.
①  inside
②  inner
③  in
④  within
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To show the authors grandparents were honest.
②  To explain what Integrity Triad realy embodies.
③  To demonstrate the authors grandparents motto
【单选题】 23.The customer expressed her ___for that broad hat.
①  disapproval 
②  distaste  
③  dissatisfaction 
④  dismay
【单选题】 11.The United Nations managed to ______millions of people from hunger last year.
①  preserve
②  sell
③  save
④  . buy
【单选题】 3. He had to ______ his past actions when he retired, or he would be punished.
①  consider
②  account for
③  think
④  popular
【单选题】 19. The American people _____ a president every four years.
①  choose
②  elect
③  pick
④  select
【单选题】 22.___ him tomorrow?
①  Why not to call on 
②  Why don’t call on  
③  Why not calling on 
④  Why not call on
【单选题】 13. Do you know ______ who would be interested in this topic?.
①  someone
②  no one
③  anyone
④  everyone
【单选题】 23. As everyone knows, warm ______ is comfortable in winter.
①  clothes
②  clothings
③  cloth
④  clothing