【单选题】 鱼油和鱼肝油不含的维生素为?
①  维生素E
②  维生素D
③  维生素A
④  维生素C
【单选题】 鱼油和鱼肝油不含的维生素是?
①  维生素E
②  维生素D
③  维生素A
④  维生素C
⑤  叶酸
【单选题】 含维生素A最丰富的食物是( )。
①  动物肝脏
④  胡萝卜
⑤  大豆
【单选题】 海产鱼的鱼肝油中的( )含量极为丰富,在防治佝偻病方面有重要意义。
①  维生素A
②  维生素D
③  维生素C
④  维生素E
【单选题】 富含维生素A及维生素D的食物并不包括( )。
①  A.猪肝
②  B.鸡蛋
③  C.胡萝卜
④  D.鱼卵
【单选题】 下列食物中含维生素C最为丰富的是( )。
①  苹果
②  酸枣
③  牛奶
⑤  茄子
【判断题】 维生素A存在于动物性食品中,而某些植物性食品中含维生素A。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 孕期需特别考虑的维生素为维生素A、D、B族。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 动物内脏中,()是含维生素和矿物质最丰富的器官。
①  肝脏
②  肾脏
③  脾脏
④  心脏
【单选题】 维生素A的最佳食物来源是( )。
①  动物肝脏
②  蔬菜
③  水果
④  大豆制品
【单选题】 15.It was on the day my first son was born _____ I put them in the soil.
①  when
②  who
③  that
④  where
【单选题】 19.Our school library is ________ closed for repairs.
①  shortly
②  quickly
③  temporarily
④  rapidly
【单选题】 24. They are teachers and dont realize ______ to start and run a company.
①  what it takes
②  what takes it
③  what they take
④  what takes them
【单选题】 21.If it ________ tomorrow, the match would be put off.
①  will rain
②  were to rain
③  was raining
④  had rained
【单选题】 4.The wedding ceremony is exactly ____ to coincide with his parents’ wedding anniversary.
①  timing
②  time
③  happening
④  timed
【单选题】 2. The notice can be written on any material as long as it’s _______.
①  clear
②  clean
③  legible
④  illegible
【单选题】 7.He saw the police cars ______ around the corner.
①  scream
②  jolt
③  screech
④  cling
【单选题】 4.Many people have accused the superpower of ____ bombing of the “innocent country”.
①  powerful
②  violent
③  indiscriminate
④  big
【单选题】 15.I feel terrible. I think I _____be sick.
①  will
②  am going to
③  should
④  ought to
【单选题】 11.The children were ______their father.
①  part from
②  parted with
③  parted in
④  parted from