模板安装作业必须搭设操作平台的最小高度为( )
【单选题】 模板安装作业必须搭设操作平台的最小高度是( )。
①  2.5m
②  1.8m
③  1.5m
④  2.0m
【判断题】 防护栏杆搭设,上杆离地高度为1~1.2m,下杆离地高度为0.5~0.6m。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 高大模板支撑系统是指建设工程施工现场混凝土构件模板支撑高度超过8m,或搭设跨度超过18m,或施工总荷载大于15kN/㎡,或集中线荷载大于20kN/m的模板支撑系统。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 楼梯的净高在平台部位应大于2.2m;在梯段部位应大于2.0m。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 有一基础,宽度4m,长度8m,基底附加压力90 kN/m2,中心线下6m处竖向附加应力为58.28kN/m2,试问另一基础宽度为2m,长度为4m,基底附加压力为100 kN/m2,角点下3m处的附加应力为多少?( )。
①  16.19kN/m2
②  54.76kN/m2
③  32.38kN/m2
④  63.26kN/m2
【单选题】 爬梯进行攀登作业时,攀登高度以( )m为宜。
①  4
②  5
③  6
④  8
【判断题】 模板支架搭设高度6m及以上的专项施工方案,应按规定组织专家论证。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 电缆桥架水平敷设时的距地高度不宜低于2.5m,垂直敷设时距地高度不宜低于1.8m。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 梯段净宽应符合防火规范的规定,梯段的最小宽度为1.5m。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 现浇钢筋混凝土框架梁的宽为0.25m,高为0.4m,梁净长为5.55m,则其模板工程量为()m2
①  7.42
②  7.22
③  6.03
④  5.83
【单选题】 Taiwan is ___ the southeast of China.
①  to
②  on
③  in
④  of
【单选题】 — I hear ___ your grandpa ___ your grandma like watching Min Opera. — Right, just as many old people do in Fuzhou.
①  ?both; and
②  ?either; or
③  neither; nor
④  ?not only; but also
【单选题】 Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these hobbies can get ___ of schoolwork.
①  ?on the way
②  ?in the way
③  ? by the way
④  ?out of the way
【单选题】 I ___ go to bed until I ___ finished my work last night.
①  don’t; had
②  didn’t; have
③  didn’t; had
④  don’t; have
【单选题】 —Look, someone is coming. Guess who it ___ be?—I think it ___ be Tom.—I don’t think it ___ be ___.
①  ?must; can; must; his
②  ?may; can; must; him
③  ?can; must; can; him
④  ?might; must; can; himself
【单选题】 I was told yesterday that the company ___ me to Rome next week for a business conference.
①  ?should have sent
②  ?was going to send
③  ?should be sending
④  ?should send
【单选题】 If it is fine tomorrow, we ___ a football match.
①  have
②  will have
③  has
④  shall has
【单选题】 I went to the doctor’s yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he ___ see me.
①  ?can
②  ?may
③  ?might
④  ?could
【单选题】 If they ___ to do this work, he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 He was a good swimmer so he ___ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.
①  could
②  might
③  should
④  was able to