【多选题】 对单层厂房,其大门的位置、数量、尺度和开启方式主要受到()等因素的影响。
①  工艺流程
②  车辆种类
③  车辆尺寸
④  气候特征
⑤  车辆进出频次
【判断题】 按照开启方式门可以分为:平开门、 推拉门、旋转门等。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 思维方式主要有哪些
①  归纳
②  演绎
③  线性
④  系统
【多选题】 坐标输入方式主要有:
①  绝对坐标
②  相对坐标
③  极坐标
④  球坐标
【多选题】 墙板的布置方式主要有()。
①  平铺式布置
②  横向布置
③  竖向布置
④  贴合式布置
⑤  混合布置
【单选题】 斜坡的变形方式主要有( )。
①  崩塌和蠕动
②  滑动和松动
③  松动和弯曲
④  蠕动和松动
【多选题】 CPU的接口方式主要有( )。
①  针脚式
②  触点式
③  Socket接口
④  LGA接口
【多选题】 蔬菜的播种方式主要有()
①  A.撒播
②  B.条播
③  C.点播
④  D.湿播
⑤  E.干播
【多选题】 环境行政执行方式主要有
①  环境行政处罚
②  环境行政许可
③  环境行政强制执行
④  环境行政奖励
⑤  现场检查
【单选题】 单层工业厂房吊装方案主要内容是_____。
①  划分施工段,确定施工过程。
②  选择起重机
【单选题】 She was____ at your saying that.
①  interested
②  troubled
③  annoyed
④  anxious
【单选题】 Lily is upset these days. Do you know how to ______ her ______?
①  cheer; up
②  cheer; on
③  pick; up
④  put; away
【单选题】 I received his mother’ s telephone call at eleven. _____ that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.
①  Then did I know
②  Only then I knew
③  Only then did I know
④  Only then knew I
【单选题】 The trade unions in this industry are ____ any reduction in wages.
①  objecting against
②  opposed to
③  reacted to
④  resisting against
【单选题】 Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an hour ____ originate over tropical ocean waters.
①  which
②  who
③  where
④  how to
【单选题】 John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ____ last night.
①  must study
②  should have studied
③  must have studied
④  is sure to study
【单选题】 This is the hotel _______last month.
①  which they stayed
②  at that they stayed
③  where they stayed at
④  where they stayed
【单选题】 He doesn’ t spend much time____ his homework.
①  in
②  do
③  on
④  to do
【单选题】 People’s status in society is frequently ____ by how much they own.
①  measured
②  examined
③  tested
④  questioned
【单选题】 Jack is so ____ to his appearance that he never has his clothes pressed.
①  adverse
②  anonymous
③  indifferent
④  casual