【判断题】 对国家污染物排放标准中己做规定的项目,只能制定严于国家污染物排放标准的地方污染物排放标准。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对应税大气污染物、水污染物,按照污染物排放量折合的污染当量数确定。(  )
【单选题】 纳税人排放应税大气污染物或者水污染物的浓度值低于国家和地方规定的污染物排放标准50%的,减按( )征收环境保护税。
①  0.0
②  0.3
③  0.5
④  0.75
【单选题】 已经建成的设施,其污染物排放超过规定的排放标准的,应().
①  A.限期治理
②  B.限期拆除
③  C.停产治理
④  D.上报处罚
【多选题】 大气污染物排放总量控制和核定制度的实施步骤正确的是
①  确定总最控制区
②  确定重点污染物
③  确定主要大气污染物排放总量
④  实施排污权交易
⑤  分配主要大气污染物排放总量
【判断题】 国家环境质量标准是污染物排放标准制定的依据。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 污染物排放指标COD是指()
①  A.化学需氧量
②  B.生物需氧量
③  C.有机物含量
④  D.浑浊物含量
【单选题】 根据《工业炉窑大气污染物排放标准》规定,以下哪种炉窑可以在一类功能区建设( )
①  A.燃气金属锻造炉
②  B.燃油陶瓷炉
③  C.电力化铁炉
④  D.市政、建筑施工临时用沥青加热炉
【多选题】 根据环境保护税的规定,应税污染物排放地是指(  )。
①  应税大气污染物排放口所在地
②  应税水污染物排放口所在地
③  应税固体废物产生地
④  应税大气污染物排放单位所在地
【判断题】 节能减排就是节约能耗、减少污染物排放。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 26. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are out of____ .
①  work
②  reach
③  practice
④  stock
【单选题】 It’s no use just telling me to do it. Suggest some ____ ways to do it.
①  positive
②  belief
③  attitudes
④  shapes
【单选题】 As a result of the unfavorable working conditions, the project has to be put off ____ .
①  temporarily
②  tremendously
③  traditionally
④  typically
【单选题】 11. I prefer ____ dinner when we arrive there.
①  having
②  to have
③  taking
④  to take
【单选题】 As a teacher of elementary school, you should be patient ____ those pupils.
①  of
②  with
③  for
④  at
【单选题】 ____ the whole, it was a successful evening.
①  On
②  At
③  From
④  In
【单选题】 ____, the more you are aware of content and meaning.
①  The more words you are familiar to
②  The more words you are familiar with
③  You are familiar to more words
④  You are familiar with more words
【单选题】 The English teacher strongly advises that every student ____ an all English dictionary.
①  to buy
②  buying
③  in buying
④  buy
【单选题】 Only about one out of twelve of the young men and women of this country ____ college education.
①  receive
②  receives
③  have received
④  have been received
【单选题】 The boy and his mother were ____ in the burning house.
①  involved
②  trapped
③  enclosed
④  surrounded