【单选题】 在承包海外工程施工时,业主或工程所在国的总承包商往往以不能成立的理由没收外国承包商的保税起猝不及防的蒙受重大。
①  经济损失
②  时间损失
③  生命损失
④  安全损失
【判断题】 在承包海外工程施工时,业主或工程所在国的总承包商往往以不能成立的理由没收外国承包商的保税起猝不及防的蒙受重大经济损失。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 工程师有权处理的索赔是承包商()。
①  依据合同条款提出的索赔
②  依据法律法规提出的索赔
③  提出的道义索赔
④  提出的缺少证据索赔
【单选题】 FIDIC合同条件规定,工程师视工程进展情况,有权发布暂停施工指令。属于()的暂停施工,承包商可能得到补偿。
①  合同中有规定
②  由于不利的现场气候条件影响
③  为工程施工安全
④  现场气候条件以外的外界条件或者障碍导致
【单选题】 FIDIC土木工程施工合同条件规定,工程师()之后,退还承包商合同约定的全部保留金。
①  签发工程移交证书
②  签发解除缺陷责任证书
③  签发分部工程移交证书
④  退还履约保函
【单选题】 当承包商部分的施工质量未达到合同规定的要求时,监理工程师()。
①  不承担责任
②  承担连带责任
③  承担全部责任
④  同意扣除一定数量的酬金
【判断题】 承包方要求对原工程进行变更,首先向工程师提出变更申请,工程师批准变更后方可变更
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 当监理工程师批示承包商对已完成的工程进行剥露凿开检查时,如质量合格,关于承包商的索赔下列哪种说法正确()
①  不能索赔
②  只能提出费用索赔
③  只能提出工期索赔
④  可提出费用索赔和工期索赔
【单选题】 索赔事件发生后的28天内,承包商向工程师提交()
①  索赔意向通知
②  索赔报告
③  索赔计算结果
④  索赔有关证据
【单选题】 某工程基础底板的设计厚度为1m,承包商根据以往的施工经验,认为设计有问题,未报工程师,即按1.1m施工。多完成的工作量在计量时工程师( )
①  予以计量
②  计量一半
③  不予计量
④  由业主和施工单位协商处理
【单选题】 I will take my daughter with me when I_______ Shanghai.
①  go to
②  will go to
③  have been to
④  have gone to
【单选题】 It was getting dark. I found a car________in a pool by the side of the road.
①  to be stuck
②  stuck
③  sticking
④  stick
【单选题】 This bright girl______ the truth in front of the enemy.
①  didn’t say
②  couldn’t speak to
③  said
④  didn’t tell
【单选题】 ________the front door________,he had to enter the room through the back door.
①  Seen;painted
②  Seeing;painted
③  Being seen;being painted
④  Seeing;being painted
【单选题】 This book is_____that one. But______than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 It was his fault,but he put the blame on others—thats _______ we cant agree.
①  where
②  what
③  how
④  which
【单选题】 It was said that his father_______ .
①  has died
②  died
③  has been dead
④  had died
【单选题】 I was told yesterday that the company__________me to Rome next week for a business conference.
①  should have sent
②  was going to send
③  should be sending
④  should send
【单选题】 Whenwespeaktopeople,weshouldbe_______.
①  aspoliteaspossible
②  aspoliteaspossibly
③  aspolitelyaspossible
④  aspolitelyaspossibly
【单选题】 When he came to,he found himself________on a chair,with his hands________back.
①  to sit;tying
②  sitting;tying
③  seating;tied
④  seated;tied