【判断题】 在数学学习活动中,无论是新知识的接受,还是纳入,都不一定取决于学生原有的数学认知结构.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 社会建构理论强调儿童的学习方式从个体学习转变为强调在( )中学习
①  环境
②  社会
③  情境
④  自然
【单选题】 最先由民主主义者转变为共产主义者的是()
①  李大钊
②  陈独秀
③  毛泽东
④  董必武
【判断题】 将债务转变为注册资本,即转变为股权的成本,从而可以从股权转让收入中予以扣除。(  )
【判断题】 专业市场由原来的单击分布转变为双极分布,由原来的固化分布转变为流动分布。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 开发是将应用研究的成果转变为产品。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 译员只需要掌握原语语言知识,不需要掌握语言外知识。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列氨基酸代谢转变为牛磺酸的是
①  甲硫氨酸
②  半胱氨酸
③  谷氨酸
④  甘氨酸
⑤  天冬氨酸
【判断题】 金属由液态转变为固态的过程称为气化
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 写字教学不需要培养学生良好的写字习惯。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 17._____ of English is essential for those who apply for the post.
①  Good knowledge
②  A good knowledge
③  Good knowledges
④  The good knowledge
【单选题】 14.We should plant trees on _______ side of the road.
①  each
②  some
③  every
④  many
【单选题】 5. As he is recovering, he has grown more confident and _______ about life.
①  pessimistic
②  positive
③  negative
④  interested
【单选题】 8.She no longer has that______ smile as before, but instead carries the sad look of a mother who has just lost her son.
①  careless
②  carefree
③  interested
④  sick
【单选题】 15. He was determined to cross _____of the Atlantic Ocean by sailing westwards.
①  dangerous water
②  the dangerous water
③  the dangerous waters
④  dangerous waters
【单选题】 25. I object ________ being kept waiting. Why are you always late ________ appointments?
①  /;for
②  to; for
③  in; for
④  to; in
【单选题】 18.The garage deals_____ gasoline, oil ,etc. t
①  with
②  in
③  for
④  about
【单选题】 9.He is far ______in sports than I am.
①  more interested
②  more interesting
③  as interested
④  as interesting
【单选题】 5.Ten minutes later a taxi ______ in front of the house, where we had arranged to meet.
①  pulled out
②  . pulled up
③  pulled down
④  pulled off
【单选题】 19.The church is the _____building in the town.
①  eldest
②  ancient
③  oldest
④  old