【单选题】 小城镇应以小尺度开放式街坊住区为主,路网间距不宜超过()米。
①  250米
②  100米
③  150米
④  200米
【单选题】 某房间层高3.6米,吊顶高3.0米,楼板厚0.15米,则其内墙抹灰高度按( ?)计算
①  3.15米
②  3.0米
③  3.6米
④  3.45米
【单选题】 砖墙相邻工作段的高度差,不得超过一个楼层的高度,也不宜大于( )米。
①  3
②  5
③  4
④  3.5
【判断题】 高处作业高度在10米以上至15米时,称为二级高处作业().
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 计算建筑面积的建筑物,应具备保证人们正常活动的空间高度;结构层高()米,或坡屋顶结构净高()米。
①  2.22.2
②  2.22.1
③  2.12.1
④  1.22.1
【判断题】 建筑物檐高超过20米时,要计算建筑物超高增加费。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 墙的支模高度超过()米时,应计算增加支撑费用。
①  3
②  3.3
③  4.2
④  3.6
【单选题】 某大厅层高为8米,吊顶高度为7米,应计算( ?)层满堂脚手架增加层
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
【简答题】 住宅建筑按层数划分为:[填空(1)]层为低层;[填空(2)]层为多层
【判断题】 凡在坠落高度基准面3米以上(含3米),有可能坠落的高处进行作业,均称高处作业。X
【单选题】 James plans to __________ offers from other companies before making a decision.
①  explode
②  expand
③  expose
④  explore
【单选题】 This record will help your safety officer ----what the problem is
①  bring up
②  put on
③  find out
④  take in
【单选题】 Although Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders __________ will happen to he private life.
①  how
②  who
③  what
④  that
【单选题】 - Excuse me, is this the right direction for the school?
①  Well, no, you’re going in the wrong direction
②  No, don’t ask me
③  No, I don’t know
④  Don’t go this way
【单选题】 If the building project __________ by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fine@@
①  being completed
②  is completed
③  to be completed
④  completed
【单选题】 Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas vistors expanded_______27%.
①  by
②  for
③  to
④  in
【单选题】 That man alone over there – who is he?
①  He is a student
②  He is Doctor Took
③  A driver, I suppose
④  He’s drunk
【单选题】 Monday Tuesday is OK. I will be free then.
①  Either;or
②  Neither;nor
③  So; that
④  Both; and
【单选题】 Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy __________ for her examination.
①  to prepare
②  to be prepared
③  preparing
④  being prepared
【单选题】 The adviser recommended that Mary _____ the training program as soon as possible.
①  started
②  starts
③  start
④  would start