【多选题】 使用手势的注意事项有()
①  注意区域性差异
②  手势不宜过多,动作幅度不宜过大
③  注意手势速度和高度
④  手势一定要自然、协调
⑤  用手示意别用指头指
⑥  手势指人要注意,不要掌心向下
【单选题】 使用手持电动工具时,下列注意事项哪个正确(???)?
①  使用万能插座
②  使用漏电保护器
③  身体或衣服潮湿
【单选题】 使用手持电动工具时,下列注意事项哪个正确(???)
①  使用万能插座
②  使用漏电保护器
③  身体或衣服潮湿
【单选题】 如果按照汽车制造厂家的使用手册规定的技术规范使用,则汽车就属于( )。
①  正常使用
②  不正常磨损
③  正常磨损
④  不正常使用
【单选题】 哨子在使用中的注意事项不包括( )。
①  注意频率适度
②  注意使用方法
③  注意保持距离
④  注意轻重有度
【单选题】 哨子在使用中的注意事项不包括()
①  注意频率适度
②  注意使用方法
③  注意保持距离
④  注意轻重有度
【单选题】 使用排龈线的注意事项不包括()
①  操作轻柔
②  肾上腺素不容易氧化,无需密封保存
③  放入排龈线前,冲洗干净龈沟内的唾液和血液
④  5分钟左右取出排龈线,立即制取印模
⑤  以上均正确
【多选题】 清热剂的使用注意事项有 ( )
①  辨别热证所在部位
②  辨别热证真假
③  辨别热证虚实
④  对于邪热炽盛服凉药入口即吐者,可凉药热服
【单选题】 ()是正确商品的性能、用途、使用和保养方法以及注意事项等作书面介绍的文书。
①  合同
②  产品说明书
③  可行性报告
④  民事诉讼
【单选题】 ( )是对商品的性能、用途、使用和保养方法以及注意事项等作书面介绍的文书。
①  合同
②  产品说明书
③  可行性报告
④  民事诉讼
【判断题】 Said nothing, he left the room angrily.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The population of beijing is larger than of nanjing.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 We should buy any meat, because there are little left.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 He was very foolish that he didnt pass such an easy exam.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The students were running on the playground as fast as they can.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I think you’ve got to the point ___ a change is needed, otherwise you’ll fail.
①  when
②  that
③  where
④  which
【单选题】 They _ on the programme for almost one week before I joined them, and now we on it as no good results have come out so far.
①  had been working; are still working
②  had worked; were still working
③  have worked; were still working
④  have worked; are still working
【单选题】 Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ___ people were eaten by the tiger.
①  that
②  by which
③  which
④  in which
【单选题】 A candidate for the democratic presidential nomination ______ at this moment.
①  is interviewing
②  being interviewed D. Interviewing
③  is being interviewed
④  Interviewing
【单选题】 ___ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.
①  Which
②  When
③  What
④  As