【单选题】 为改善膳食中蛋白质质量,在膳食中应有一定量的优质蛋白质,一般要求动物性蛋白质和大豆蛋白质应占膳食蛋白质总量的(? )
①  20-30%
②  40-50%
③  大于60%
④  50-60%
【判断题】 优质蛋白质就是动物蛋白质。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 一般来说,动物性食品中的蛋白质消化率高于植物蛋白质。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 动物性食物的蛋白质消化率低于植物性食物。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列哪个蛋白质是结合蛋白质( )。
①  球蛋白
②  清蛋白
③  谷蛋白
④  磷蛋白
【判断题】 大米蛋白质是优质蛋白质。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 由于反刍动物能利用非蛋白氮,所以可以用尿素代替部分饲料蛋白质
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 秕壳类饲料较秸秆类饲料易消化,且蛋白质含量较秸秆类高。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 膳食中动物性蛋白质的主要来源是( )。
①  瘦肉、豆腐、奶、蛋
②  瘦肉、鱼、大米、蛋
③  瘦肉、鱼、奶、蛋
④  肥肉、鱼、奶、蛋
【多选题】 以下食物蛋白质属于优质蛋白质的有()
①  肉类
②  谷类
③  豆类
④  蔬菜类
⑤  蛋类
【单选题】 Theres something ___________ going on.
①  mystery
②  myth
③  mysterious
④  maths
【单选题】 The work will be finished ___________ , but I dont know when.
①  sometimes
②  some times
③  some time
④  sometime
【单选题】 Brass is similar ______ gold ______ color.
①  to, in
②  in, or
③  to, or
④  with, in
【单选题】 ______ hearing the news, all of them jumped with joy.
①  At
②  As
③  By
④  On
【单选题】 ______ has questions is welcome to ask.
①  Who
②  Anyone
③  Those
④  Anyone who
【单选题】 The Smith family will have gone ______ by the time we finish summer school.
①  camp
②  camps
③  camping
④  camped
【单选题】 As it turned out to be a small house party, we___ so formally.
①  need not have dressed up
②  must not have dressed up
③  did not need to dress up
④  must not dress up
【单选题】 We have been hearing ______ accounts of your work.
①  favoured
②  favourable
③  favorite
④  favouring
【单选题】 The train______she was traveling was five minutes late.
①  that
②  which
③  on that
④  on which
【单选题】 The old men who gave away lots of money ______ highly of at yesterday’s meeting.
①  spoke
②  spoken
③  was spoken
④  were spoken