【多选题】 汉武帝时,在改革财政方面,实行了()
①  盐铁专卖
②  改革币制?
③  均输平准
④  算缗告缗
【判断题】 汉武帝时严禁私学。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 汉武帝时隶书发展成熟。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 西汉武帝时,为了打击诸侯王的势力,实行了()
①  推恩令
②  削藩策?
③  附益之法
④  治安策
【单选题】 下列政策不属于汉武帝时期采取的措施的是( )。
①  提出“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”
②  焚书坑儒
③  推行推恩令
④  推行察举制
【单选题】 汉武帝时期,受皇帝派遣两次出使西域的是()
①  班超
②  甘英
③  张骞
④  王昭君
【判断题】 汉武帝元封六年,“初置刺史部十三州。”汉武帝设置刺史的主要任务是监视控制地方。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 汉武帝在组织机构上分割相权的做法是实行( )
①  尚书台制
②  内外服制
③  中外朝制
④  三公宰相制
【多选题】 西汉武帝时,为了加强对地方的控制,设置()
①  巡抚
②  刺史
③  司隶校尉
④  监御史
【判断题】 汉武帝时擢公孙弦为相,开以后布衣登相位的先例。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 06. He spoke so quickly that I didn t _________ what he said.
①  makefor
②  makesure
③  makeover
④  makeout
【单选题】 01. You should be able to_________ right from wrong.
①  perceive
②  distingusih
③  sight
④  observe
【单选题】 04. Your sister has made an_________for you to see the dentist at 3 this afternoon.
①  appointment
②  intervies
③  opportunity
④  assignment
【单选题】 08. It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not ____ the time.
①  offer
②  leave
③  affor
④  manage
【单选题】 02. Any student who _________ his homework is unlikely to pass the examination.
①  reduces
②  offends
③  practices
④  neglects
【单选题】 07. I wrote it down_________I should forget it.
①  incase
②  incaseof
③  inorderthat
④  forfearof
【单选题】 05. The committee is expected to_________ a decision this evening.
①  reach
②  arrive
③  bring
④  take
【单选题】 19. — You cant finish the book in less than an hour,I suppose? —
①  Yes,ImsureIcan
②  No,hardly
③  Sorry,Icant
④  IdontthinkIcan
【单选题】 12. Last year_________ of new books were published on environmental protection.
①  thehundred
②  hundreds
③  ahundred
④  onehundred
【单选题】 20. Its impossible for all the people to get jobs because ______ of them are not fit for them.
①  none
②  all
③  notall
④  everyone