【单选题】 水准测量法采用高差法时,待定点的高程通过()
①  A调整水准仪高度得出
②  B计算得出
③  C水准尺直接读出
④  D微调补偿器得出
【单选题】 下列三角高程测量的各项误差中,属于系统误差的是( )。
①  垂直角
②  大气折光和地球曲率
③  距离测量
④  仪高量取
【单选题】 下列三角高程测量的各项误差中,属于系统误差的是( )。
①  垂直角
②  大气折光和地球曲率
③  距离测量
④  仪高和目标高量取
【单选题】 在三角高程测量中,采用对向观测可以消除( )。
①  地球曲率差和大气折光差
②  视准轴误差
③  视差的影响
④  角度测量的影响
【单选题】 三角高程测量要求对向观测垂直角,计算往返高差,主要目的是( )。
①  有效地抵偿或消除球差和气差的影响
②  有效地抵偿或消除仪器高和觇标高测量误差的影响
③  有效地抵偿或消除垂直角读数误差的影响
④  有效地抵偿或消除读盘分划误差的影响
【单选题】 在三角高程测量中,采用对向观测的办法是为了消减( )的影响。
①  视差的影响
②  视准轴误差
③  地球曲率和大气折光
④  量取仪器高的误差
【单选题】 在水准测量中,起传递高程作用的点称为( )。
①  后视点
②  前视点
③  水准点
④  转点
【单选题】 在水准测量中,要消除i角误差,可采用( )的办法。
①  消除视差
②  水准尺竖直
③  严格精平
④  控制前后视距差
【单选题】 采用全站仪放样点的高程依据的原理是(  )。
①  水准测量原理
②  导线测量原理
③  三角测量原理
④  三角高程测量原理
【判断题】 三角巾包扎法适用于身体各部位
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 You’ll be late, ______ you start at once.
①  or
②  if
③  and
④  unless
【单选题】 The article ______ in French were impossible for me to read.
①  written
②  writing
③  write
④  wrote
【单选题】 Is this ______ looking for?
①  you are
②  that you are
③  what you are
④  what are you
【单选题】 According to the author, in order to have a good command of English one must ____.
①  employ as many learning strategies as possible
②  expect to gain an easier task
③  exert oneself constantly
④  sustain oneself
【单选题】 Mr. Brown had hardly said a word since supper,___ had his wife.
①  either
②  or
③  nor
④  so
【单选题】 The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.
①  the
②  his
③  some
④  us
【单选题】 ______ bad cold she spent the entire day in bed.
①  As if
②  Even though
③  In addition
④  Due to
【单选题】 Modesty helps one to go forward, ______ conceit makes one lag behind.
①  whenever
②  only if
③  whereas
④  consequently
【单选题】 A pen pal provides good motivation for your writing because he or she ____.
①  lives far away from you
②  knows China a lot so that you can have a lot to talk about
③  also keeps a diary
④  may inform you of many interesting things in his or her culture
【单选题】 As for words which do not often occur in everyday situation, you just need to be able to ____.
①  recognize them
②  nod at them
③  concentrate much on them
④  practice using them constantly