国际贸易术语,通过一个简短的概念或三个英文字母,用来确定买卖双方之间在货物交货和接货过程中的( )
【判断题】 国际贸易术语又称贸易条件、价格条件或交换条件,它是一个简短的概念或三个英文字母,用来确定买卖双方之间在货物交货和接货过程中的风险、费用承担和责任划分。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 依2000年《国际贸易术语解释通则》的规定,某一贸易术语卖方应承担下列主要责任、风险和费用:(1)提供符合合同规定的货物、单证或相等的电子单证;(2)自负费用及风险办理出口许可证及其他货物出口手续;(3)依约定时间、地点、依港口惯例将货物装上买方指定的船舶并给予买方以充分的通知刊的承担在装运港货物越过船舷以前的风险和费用。该贸易术语是下列哪个国际贸易术语?()
①  FOB
②  CIF
③  CFR
④  DDP
【单选题】 FOB、CFR、CIF贸易术语中买卖双方风险责任的划分是( )
①  装运港货物进入码头前后
②  装运港货物越过船舷前后
③  目的港货物越过船舷前后
④  目的港货物提离码头前后
【判断题】 买卖双方由谁承担保险责任由买卖双方所选择的贸易术语约定。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ()等于计算机存储一个英文字母的大小。
①  A.1Byte
②  B.1KB
③  C.1MB
④  D.1GB
【判断题】 国际贸易术语解释通则调整的是买卖双方与承运人之间的关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 关于进口设备交货类别中,买卖双方应承担的风险表述正确的是( )
①  内陆交货类对买方风险小对卖方风险大
②  目的地交货类对买卖双方的风险做了合理均摊
③  装运港船上交货价是由买方承担海运风险
④  采用装运港船上交货价时,是由卖方承担货物装船后的一切风险
【单选题】 在动物传染病中,英文字母缩写ND和AI分别是指
①  猪瘟和蓝耳病
②  新城疫和禽流感
③  布病和结核病
④  狂犬病和乙型脑炎
【单选题】 英文字母N是( )
②  西
【单选题】 下列语句中,哪一个可以输出26个大写英文字母()。
①  for(a=A;a=Z;printf(%c,++a));
②  for(a=A;aZ;a++)printf(%c,a);
③  for(a=A;a=Z;printf(%c,a++));
④  for(a=A;aZ;printf(%c,++a));
【单选题】 Linda is 35 years o1d and, after two close relationships, the prospect of staying single__________ her.
①  impresses
②  depresses
③  threatens
④  stuns
【单选题】 She insists that he ______ his now.
①  should
②  took
③  takes
④  take
【单选题】 The manager said that there were two reasons______ our sales dropped sharply last year.
①  because
②  since
③  why
④  while
【单选题】 Henry’ s actually ______ of telling lies, pretending to be sick when he s heathy.
①  capable
②  spontaneous
③  competent
④  expert
【单选题】 Mr. Brown had hardly said a word since supper,___ had his wife.
①  either
②  or
③  nor
④  So
【单选题】 Mary hopes to be ___ from hospital next week.
①  dismissed
②  discharged
③  expelled
④  resigned
【单选题】 _______ the look on his face, he doesn’t t quite understand what the speaker is saying.
①  Judge by
②  Judging by
③  To judge by
④  To be judged by
【单选题】 It is reported that a (n)________ of accidents has occurred at that crossroads.
①  series
②  lot
③  number
④  amount
【单选题】 The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers’ fears were completely _____.
①  unjustified
②  unjust
③  misguided
④  unaccepted
【单选题】 They had a/an ____ agreement not to raise the touchy subject.
①  obvious
②  complacent
③  implicit
④  explicit