中国共产党的根本根本工作路线是( )
【单选题】 ()是党的根本工作路线,是以毛泽东为核心的中国共产党在长期的革命斗争实践中形成的根本工作路线。
①  A. 群众路线
②  B. 政治路线
③  C. 思想路线
④  D. 斗争路线
【单选题】 1978年,中国共产党重新确立实事求是思想路线的会议是( )
①  中共十一届三中全会
②  中共十一届六中全会
③  中共十二届三中全会
④  中共十二届六中全会
【判断题】 群众路线始终是党的生命线和根本工作路线。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 实事求是思想路线的根本体现是()
①  尊重实践、尊重群众
②  尊重知识、尊重人才
③  尊重客观实际、尊重客观规律
④  发挥主观能动性,大胆创新
【单选题】 以下不符合中国共产党群众路线内容的是()。
①  漠视群众利益
②  一切依靠群众
③  从群众中来,到群众中去
④  一切为了群众
【判断题】 毛泽东思想活的灵魂是实事求是、群众路线和独立自主。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中国共产党思想路线的内容是( )
①  实事求是
②  一切从实际出发
③  理论联系实际
④  坚持实践是检验真理的标准
【单选题】 党的群众路线是( )
①  解放思想、实事求是
②  B一个中心、两个基本点
③  从群众中来,到群众中去,一切为了群众,一切依靠群众
④  民主集中制
【单选题】 中国共产党思想路线的核心是()。
①  一切从实际出发
②  解放思想
③  实事求是
④  理论联系实际
【单选题】 中国共产党在( )提出全面抗战路线。
①  遵义会议
②  瓦窑堡会议
③  洛川会议
④  西柏坡会议
【单选题】 She often says her greatest happiness ____ serving the handicapped children.
①  relies on
②  consists in
③  composes of
④  comprises in
【单选题】 The apple_____ very sweet.
①  is tasted
②  taste
③  tastes
④  are tasting
【单选题】 The poet has____ fame all his life, but has never experienced it.
①  pursued
②  followed
③  chased
④  traced
【单选题】 Although ____ Spanish, he attended the course.
①  he was knowing
②  he is knowing
③  having a knowledge of
④  knows
【单选题】 The board deemed it’s urgent that these files ____ right away.
①  had to be printed
②  should have been printed
③  must be printed
④  should be printed
【单选题】 Our civilization cannot be thought of as ____ in a short period of time.
①  to have been created
②  to be created
③  having been created
④  being created
【单选题】 Here is some ____ advice to any young businessman.
①  variable
②  worthwhile
③  worthy
④  value
【单选题】 You must have stayed up late last night, _____?
①  mustn’ t you
②  don’ t you
③  didn’ t you
④  needn’ t you
【单选题】 Mr. Milton prefers to resign ____ part in such dishonest business deals.
①  than take
②  than to take
③  rather than take
④  rather than to take
【单选题】 We went on a(n) ____ to the mountain yesterday.
①  excursion
②  trip
③  tour
④  travel