党面临的长期而严峻的考验是( )
【单选题】 要深刻认识党面临的执政考验、改革开放考验、市场经济考验、____的长期性和复杂性。
①  生态保护考验
②  外部环境考验
③  法治建设
④  经济建设考验
【多选题】 中国共产党长期处于执政地位所面临的考验及风险包括()。
①  A.改革开放的考验
②  B.长期执政的考验
③  C.发展市场经济的考验
④  D.能力不足的风险
【多选题】 进入新时代,我们党面临的执政环境是复杂的,党面临的考验有:( )
①  改革开放考验
②  执政考验
③  外部环境考验
④  市场经济考验
【单选题】 执政考验是中国共产党在新世纪新形势下的考验之一,执政考验的核 心是()。
①  科学执政
②  民主执政
③  依法执政
④  长期执政
【多选题】 党面临着的四大考验是()。
①  A.市场经济考验
②  B.执政考验
③  C.改革开放考验
④  D.大国外交考验
⑤  E.外部环境考验
【多选题】 执政之初的考验与党的任务有( )。
①  保卫人民胜利的成果,巩固新生的人民政权
②  战胜严重经济困难,迅速恢复和发展国民经济
③  巩固民族独立,维护国家主权和安全
④  经受执政考验,保持优良作风
【多选题】 新时代党面临的四大考验是指
①  执政考验
②  改革开放考验
③  市场经济考验
④  外部环境考验
【多选题】 新形势下,我们党面临的考验有()。
①  执政考验
②  改革开放考验
③  市场经济考验
④  外部环境考验
【多选题】 党在面临考验的同时,也存在着( )风险。
①  精神懈怠
②  能力不足
③  脱离群众
④  消极腐败
【多选题】 我国面临的三重压力与考验是指()。
①  我国舆论环境导致创新创业环境疲软
②  我国改革发展稳定面临不少深层次矛盾躲不开、绕不过
③  党的建设特别是党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争面临不少顽固性、多发性问题
④  来自外部的打压遏制随时可能升级
⑤  改革开放进入深水区,硬骨头多
【单选题】 A: Im sorry. Robert is not in his office. B: [填空]?
①  Are you sure for that
②  Would you like to leave a message
③  Can you take a message for me
④  Can he phone me
【单选题】 A: Were you at home last night? B: [填空].
①  Certainly
②  Certainly I was
③  Sure I was
④  O.K
【单选题】 A: What would you like, sir? B: [填空].
①  Two cups of coffees
②  Two coffees
③  Two cup of coffee
④  Two cups coffee
【单选题】 A: [填空], Mr. John? You dont look very well. B: Ive had a pain in my chest since this morning.
①  How are you
②  Whats your trouble
③  How are you feeling
④  How are you getting on
【单选题】 —Do you mind if Charlie borrows a few hundred dollars from you?—Im afraid I do. Ill be glad to lend money to _____ but Charlie.
①  someone
②  everyone
③  anyone
④  no one
【单选题】 Will you see to _____ that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season?
①  it
②  me
③  /
④  yourself
【单选题】 A: That was a great dinner. [填空] B: Thanks. But it really only took an hour.
①  I have never had it before.
②  You must have spent all day cooking.
③  I enjoyed it very much.
④  Who cooked it?
【单选题】 The cruelty of the Germans towards the Jews and ______ of the Japanese towards their prisoners, filled _____ with horror.
①  those; someone
②  that; everyone
③  no one
④  this; anyone
【单选题】 Of all the movies Hepbum made ______ is more memorable than “Breakfast at Tiffanys”.
①  few
②  little
③  no one
④  none
【单选题】 A: Its very kind of you to show me the way. B: [填空].
①  Youre welcome
②  It was nothing
③  Not at all
④  Never mind