【多选题】 月季花的繁殖方法有:
①  扦插
②  嫁接
③  播种
④  组织培养
【单选题】 市场上所谓的玫瑰花实际上都是现代月季花。
①  T
②  F
【单选题】 下列属于杜鹃花科的植物是()。
①  猕猴桃
③  板栗
④  腰果
【判断题】 1、天南星科植物的花均为单性花。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 1、天南星科植物的花均为单性花。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 属于清代戏曲“花雅之争”中“花部”的是()
①  京腔
②  秦腔
③  昆山腔
④  粤腔
【判断题】 旋覆花苦、辛、咸,微温,归心、肝经
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 十字花科的植物是()
①  苹果
②  大豆
③  菊花
④  芜菁
【单选题】 在西方系“葬礼之花”,用于送人便有诅咒之意的花是( )
①  菊花
②  玫瑰花
③  水仙花
④  鸡冠花
【单选题】 在西方系“葬礼之花”,用于送人便有诅咒之意的花是( )
①  菊花
②  玫瑰花
③  水仙花
④  鸡冠花
【多选题】 I___________ to mail a letter to Canada.
①  want
②  would like
③  sorry
④  think
【多选题】 When I got my first sight of the garden, its beauty____________took my breath away.
①  near
②  nearly
③  almost
④  hardly
【多选题】 The doctor is busy_______________ and cant speak to you.
①  at present
②  at all
③  right now
④  at last
【多选题】 I want to mail this letter to the U.S..___________ ?
①  How often do you hear from Mary
②  How many people are there in your family
③  How much is the postage
④  How much will it cost
【多选题】 A: Hey, taxi! Could you take me to the Friendship Hotel?B: _______________ .
①  Sure
②  Certainly
③  Of course
④  Here you are
【多选题】 A: Is he married?B:_________
①  No, he is not married.
②  No, he is still single.
③  No, he doesnt.
④  No, he didnt.
【单选题】 Department stores in London are very large. They are called department stores because they have many_________ departments.
①  delicious
②  different
③  domestic
④  delighted
【单选题】 My father used to be very weak,_________ now he is much stronger.
①  but
②  at
③  and
④  when
【单选题】 A: You always enjoy seeing old films, dont you?B: No, not always, but_________ .
①  sometime
②  some time
③  sometimes
④  some times
【单选题】 If you are tired and_________, you can hardly (几乎不) remember things.
①  relaxed
②  excited
③  unusual
④  unhappy