【判断题】 因第三人的过错致使动物造成他人损害的,由该第三人承担责任,饲养人或管理人可以免责。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在公共场所中因第三人的行为造成他人损害的,由第三人承担侵权责任,其管理人无需承担任何责任。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 当事人约定由第三人向债权人履行债务的,第三人不履行债务或者履行债务不符合约定,应当向债权人承担违约责任的主体是()。
①  债务人
②  第三人
③  债务人和第三人
④  先第三人,后债务人
【判断题】 被侵权人对损害的发生也有过错的,可以减轻侵权人的责任。损害是因受害人故意造成的,行为人不承担责任。损害是因第三人造成的,第三人应当承担侵权责任。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在委托代理关系中,委托书授权不明的,被代理人应当向第三人承担民事责任,代理人负( )责任
①  法律责任
②  监督责任
③  民事责任
④  连带责任
【单选题】 以委托书授予代理权的,委托书授权不明的,则对第三人的民事责任应由:
①  被代理人承担
②  代理人承担
③  被代理人承担主要责任,代理人承担次要责任
④  被代理人、代理人承担连带责任
【判断题】 在公共场所或者群众性活动中,因第三人的行为造成他人损害的,由第三人承担侵权责任;管理人或者组织者未尽到安全保障义务的,承担相应责任。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 合伙关系中,合伙对第三人负有债务时( )。
①  各合伙人对外负连带之债,对内是按份之债
②  各合伙人对外是按份之债,对内是连带之债
③  对外、对内承担何种责任由合伙章程规定
④  对外、对内均承担连带之债
【单选题】 有限责任公司股份对第三人转让必须取得( )股东的同意。
①  二分之一
②  三分之一
③  三分之二
④  四分之一
【单选题】 融资租赁合同中,承租人占有租赁物期间,租赁物造成第三人的人身伤害或财产损失的,()不承担责任
①  出租人
②  承租人
③  出卖人
④  承租人和出租人
【单选题】 I will take my daughter with me when I_______ Shanghai.
①  go to
②  will go to
③  have been to
④  have gone to
【单选题】 It was getting dark. I found a car________in a pool by the side of the road.
①  to be stuck
②  stuck
③  sticking
④  stick
【单选题】 This bright girl______ the truth in front of the enemy.
①  didn’t say
②  couldn’t speak to
③  said
④  didn’t tell
【单选题】 ________the front door________,he had to enter the room through the back door.
①  Seen;painted
②  Seeing;painted
③  Being seen;being painted
④  Seeing;being painted
【单选题】 This book is_____that one. But______than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 It was his fault,but he put the blame on others—thats _______ we cant agree.
①  where
②  what
③  how
④  which
【单选题】 It was said that his father_______ .
①  has died
②  died
③  has been dead
④  had died
【单选题】 I was told yesterday that the company__________me to Rome next week for a business conference.
①  should have sent
②  was going to send
③  should be sending
④  should send
【单选题】 Whenwespeaktopeople,weshouldbe_______.
①  aspoliteaspossible
②  aspoliteaspossibly
③  aspolitelyaspossible
④  aspolitelyaspossibly
【单选题】 When he came to,he found himself________on a chair,with his hands________back.
①  to sit;tying
②  sitting;tying
③  seating;tied
④  seated;tied