【判断题】 彩色血流显示时,一般动脉血显示为红色,静脉血显示为蓝色
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 含有静脉血的血管是
①  A肺动脉
②  B门静脉
③  C头臂干
④  D冠状动脉
⑤  E脑膜中动脉
【判断题】 胎儿心脏中的血液是混合血。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 动脉血pH降低主要通过
①  刺激中枢化学感受器
②  刺激颈动脉体、主动脉体化学感受器
③  刺激颈动脉窦、主动脉窦化学感受器
④  刺激脑桥呼吸中枢
⑤  直接刺激呼吸肌
【单选题】 病人平卧抬高下肢,排空静脉血,在大腿根部扎止血带阻断大隐静脉,然后让病人站立,10秒钟内放开止血带,若出现自上而下的静脉逆向充盈,提示
①  交通静脉瓣膜功能异常
②  下肢深静脉通畅
③  小隐静脉瓣膜功能不全
④  大隐静脉瓣膜功能不全
⑤  下肢浅静脉通畅
【单选题】 末梢血属于
①  血浆
②  血清
③  全血
④  静脉血
⑤  动脉血
【单选题】 门静脉血液回流受阻引起淤血的脏器是
④  膀胱
【单选题】 37.收集胃、肠、脾、胰血液回流的静脉血管是
①  A,肝门静脉
②  B.肾门静脉
③  C,肺门静脉
④  D.肠系膜前静脉
⑤  E.肠系膜后静脉
【判断题】 精索静脉曲张多发生于左侧,其原因除外左侧精索静脉缺乏瓣膜使静脉血液逆流。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 门静脉血液回流受阻时可引起下列脏器淤血的是( )
④  膀胱
⑤  子宫
【单选题】 The dog,________,will be made a good watchdog.
①  to train properly
②  being trained properly
③  properly to train
④  trained properly
【单选题】 What ______if I drink this ?
①  happens
②  is happening
③  will happen
④  is happened
【单选题】 —Have you searched the sitting room for your key? —No. It was in the study________ I remember I left it.
①  which
②  where
③  that
④  as
【单选题】 The monument(里程碑) was built in honor of the explorer who was believed________the river.
①  to have discovered
②  to have been discovered
③  to discover
④  having been discovered
【单选题】 Theearthisabout_______asthemoon.
①  as fiftytimebig
②  fiftytimesasbig
③  asbigfiftytimes
④  fiftyastimesbig
【单选题】 The English is GREAT campaign is intended to recognize outstanding individuals ______,every day and in many different ways,share their passion for the English language.
①  when
②  which
③  who
④  where
【单选题】 Thejacketwasso______ thathedecidedtobuyit.
①  much
②  little
③  expensive
④  cheap
【单选题】 The bridge which ________last year looks really beautiful.
①  was built
②  built
③  was set up
④  had been built
【单选题】 ________work and creative activities have been important drivers of human progress is deeply rooted in our social values.
①  How
②  Whether
③  That
④  Why
【单选题】 Your notes provide the raw material on _______ your mind has to work in relation to your essay topic.
①  where
②  when
③  what
④  which