You’ve got a divorce? Why did he decide to______ you after seven years together?
keep company with
part company with
keep in touch with
stay in touch with
【单选题】 Youve got a divorce? Why did he decide to______ you after seven years together?
①  keep company with
②  part company with
③  keep in touch with
④  stay in touch with
【单选题】 Please drop in whenever you can.. I’d like to keep _________ touch..
①  in
②  to
③  on
④  with
【单选题】 15.Please drop in whenever you can.. I’d like to keep _________ touch..
①  in
②  to
③  on
④  with
【单选题】 I don’t know you want to keep the letter, I’ve _____it up.
①  torn
②  given
③  broken
④  disposed
【单选题】 How can you keep the machine ()when you are away?
①  run
②  to run
③  running
④  being run
【单选题】 A: Why did your boss shout at you? B: [填空]. He was just in a bad mood.
①  Nothing in particular
②  who knows
③  You said it
④  Im quite surprised
【判断题】 Before he began to study in the university, he had worked in a company for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 6. The company ____ that their product “makes you thin without dieting”.
①  claims
②  demands
③  collects
④  allows
【单选题】 You________return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.
①  cant
②  mustnt
③  neednt
④  may not
【单选题】 I think you’ve got to the point ___ a change is needed, otherwise you’ll fail.
①  when
②  that
③  where
④  which
【单选题】 某电路的图如图5所示,则下面哪个不是它的树_________
①  (1,7,6,9)
②  (2,3,1,8)
③  (8,9,4,6)
④  (2,3,4,6)
【单选题】 若一阶电路的时间常数为1s,则零输入响应每经过1s降衰减为原来值的。
①  50%
②  36.8%
③  25%
④  13.5%
【单选题】 如图4所示,输入电阻Rab为_________。
①  4
②  6
③  8
④  12
【单选题】 如图2-1所示单口网络的短路电流sc等于。
①  1A
②  1.5A
③  3A
④  -1A
【单选题】 若一阶电路的时间常数为2s,则零输入响应每经过2s将衰减为原来值的。
①  50%
②  36.8%
③  25%
④  13.5%
【单选题】 如图7所示,用节点电压求出A点的电位为_________。
①  7
②  8.4
③  11
④  13.2
【单选题】 电容是元件。
①  耗能
②  存储磁场
③  存储电场能
④  存储电阻能
【单选题】 若某元件的u-i特性曲线在任何时刻如图2-2所示,则此元件为()
①  线性、非时变电阻
②  线性、时变电阻
③  非线性、时变电阻
④  非线性、非时变电阻
【单选题】 图所示电容元件的,当s时等于。
①  3V
②  V
③  12V
④  V
【单选题】 两个电阻串联,R1:R2=1:2,总电压为60V,则U1的大小为。
①  10V
②  20V
③  30V
④  40V