The old man is upset in fact today, but he looks as if he______ as happy as before.
will be
had been
【单选题】 The old man returning home after eight years absence to find that all the neighbors he had known were no longer there. Is this a complete sentence?
①  Yes
②  No
【单选题】 If it were not for the fact that he was a millionaire, she ____ him.
①  might never marry
②  will never marry
③  would never have married
④  would never marry
【单选题】 He looked at the little girl, _________ where he had seen her before.
①  wondering
②  wondered
【单选题】 John _______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.
①  pretends
②  assures
③  affords
④  melts
【单选题】 He said that his sister ?[填空]been there one week before
①  had
②  has
③  have
④  will have
【单选题】 Before he came to New York, he had never heard a single English word().
①  speak
②  to speak
③  spoke
④  spoken
【判断题】 Before he began to study in the university, he had worked in a company for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 Who was the old man? And what was he doing when they saw him?
【判断题】 The old man is a teacher.He likes playing basketball after supper.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It was the training that he had as a young man ____made him such a good engineer.
①  that
②  has
③  what
④  later
【单选题】 当被烧伤或烫伤时,正确的急救方法应该是( )。
①  不用管
②  以最快的速度用冷水冲洗烧伤部位
③  迅速包扎
【单选题】 在进行预先危险分析时,危险性等级划分表中,级别Ⅲ代表的危险程度是( )。
①  危险的
②  临界的
③  破坏性的
④  安全的
【单选题】 安全生产管理是实现安全生产的重要( )。
①  依据
②  保证
③  作用
④  措施
【单选题】 依据《安全生产法》的规定,从业人员发现直接危及人身安全的紧急情况时,可以(? )后撤离现场。
①  采取可能的应急措施
②  经单位负责人批准
③  经安全管理人员同意
【单选题】 采用交互分配法分配辅助生产费用时,第一次交互分配是在()之间进行的。
①  各受益的基本生产车间
②  辅助生产车间以外的受益单位
③  各辅助生产车间
④  各受益的企业管理部门
【单选题】 商品规格可以按照以下哪些标准区分( )
①  按大小区分规格
②  按容量区分规格
③  按重量区分规格
④  按长度区分规格
⑤  以上都正确
【单选题】 根据减压阀所控制的压力的不同,可分为( )
①  以上表述全正确
②  定差减压阀
③  定值输出减压阀
④  定比减压阀
【单选题】 服装相对来说比较复杂,按照传统的XS、S、M、L、XL、XXL尺码来区分,其中最常见的来确定M号码的大小,即所谓均码,在这个基础上再缩放成其他尺码。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 识别并阻止基于Web漏洞的攻击,仅靠漏洞扫描、网络访问控制、病毒检测防护等传统的安全措施是难以做到的。针对新的网站安全威胁,我们应该保持足够的紧追性,并采取有效措施积极应对。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 每日运营数据包括总订单、订单有效率、总销售额、毛利润、毛利率、下单转化率、付款转化率、退货率。( )
①  正确
②  错误