Seeing the enemy, the hero was behaving as though nothing______.
was happening
would happen
had happened
【单选题】 He____________ working as if nothing had happened.
①  continue
②  continues
③  continuing
④  continued
【单选题】 ____ find out what had happened.
①  Not until he woke up did he
②  Not until he woke up he
③  Until he woke up did he
④  Until he woke up he
【单选题】 ?What apparently had happened, three years ago, was that Kate _____ to a different building.
①  went
②  B) has gone
③  had gone
④  would go
【单选题】 What’s happened to Jan?_______to hospital.
①  She’s been taken
②  She’ll be taken
③  She’ll take
【单选题】 The car accident happened_______a spring morning.
①  at
②  on
③  in
【单选题】 Something must have happened on their way. Or they_____ by now.
①  should have arrived
②  should arrive
③  would have arrived
④  would arrive
【单选题】 It happened to be very cold____ the morning of our sports meet. ?
①  at ?
②  of ?
③  on ?
④  with?
【单选题】 Our boss, Mr. Thompson, _____a raise in salary for ages but noting has happened yet.
①  was promising
②  has been promising
③  promised
④  has promised
【单选题】 6. They criticized people who had ______to the enemy.
①  loyal
②  disloyal
③  sold out
④  sold
【单选题】 19. -Do you remember our pleasant journey to Xi’an? -Of course. I remember everything ______ it happened yesterday.
①  as soon as
②  even though
③  rather than
④  as if
【单选题】 下列报表中,属于静态报表的是( )。
①  利润表
②  所有者权益变动表
③  现金流量表
④  资产负债表
【单选题】 社会主义社会占统治地位的价值观念是
①  公有观念
②  私有观念
③  民有观念
④  共有观念
【单选题】 推动人生自觉活动的力量可能来源人自身内部或外部的许多方面,但其中最根本最持久的是
①  人的素质和品德
②  人生的修养和境界
③  人生理想和信念
④  人生的情感和态度
【单选题】 ( )是指职业发展过程中从事几种职业,通过不断学习来提高自身各方面的技能,在工作实践中不断积累自己的人力资本为将来在不同职业中寻求发展机会打好基础。
①  “V”字形生涯路线
②  直线型职业生涯发展路线
③  螺旋型职业生涯发展路线
④  跳跃型职业生涯发展路线
【判断题】 成功的职业生涯规划要时时审视内外环境的变化,并且调整他人的前进步伐。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 为什么说魏晋南北朝小说还只是初具小说的规模,还不是成熟的作品?()
①  篇幅短小,叙事简单,只是粗陈故事梗概。
②  缺乏艺术想象与细节描写,基本上是按照传闻加以直录。
③  虽有人物性格的刻画,但没能展开。
④  在记录逸闻轶事方面,《世说新语》是成就与影响最大的一部。
【多选题】 批判现实主义文学的基本特征有?
①  客观、真实地描绘现实生活
②  批判性、暴露性
③  塑造典型环境中的典型性格
④  人道主义
⑤  改良性
【多选题】 《老人与海》中具有象征意义的物象有?
①  鲸鱼
②  大海
③  马林鱼
④  鲨鱼
⑤  狮子
【多选题】 古罗马三大诗人有??
①  荷马
②  维吉尔
③  奥维德
④  萨福
⑤  贺拉斯
【多选题】 下列属于索福克勒斯的作品有?
①  《俄底浦斯王》
②  《美狄亚》
③  《安德洛玛克》
④  《波斯人》
⑤  《安提戈涅》