Mr. Kent is one of those happy people whopleasure from helping others.
【单选题】 _____the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure beause their motives are misunderstood by others.
①  Bur for
②  Except for
③  Apart from
④  Except that
【单选题】 We expect Mr. White will ____ Class One when MissJane retires.
①  take over
②  take up
③  take off
④  take to
【单选题】 A: This is Mr. Bill and this is Mr. Paul. B: [填空]
①  How do you do?
②  How are you?
③  Fine,thank you.
④  Hi,how are you getting on?
【单选题】 You mustn’t lend it [填空] others.
①  from
②  to
③  for
④  in
【单选题】 _____ is important for us to learn how to get along with others.
①  One
②  This
③  That
④  It
【单选题】 The fact remains  () we are behind many others.
①  that
②  why
③  where
④  how
【单选题】 22. One day while Mr. King was working, he had a/an ____: his left leg was badly injured.
①  business
②  accident
③  matter
④  event
【单选题】 She is sympathetic by nature and _______ is always ready to help others.
①  who
②  whom
③  that
④  \
【单选题】 9. He feels _______ duty to help others.
①  that he
②  that his
③  it he
④  it his
【单选题】 He never does his homework [填空] others.
①  so careful as
②  as carefully as
③  carefully as
④  as careful as
【判断题】 维新派与守旧派论战的实质是资产阶级思想与封建主义思想在中国的第一次正面交锋。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 近代中国反侵略战争无不以中国失败、被迫接受丧权辱国的条约而告结束,其根本原因一是社会制度腐败;二是经济技术落后。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 洋务派主张学习西方的武器装备和科学技术,兴办洋务,他们提出的口号是?
①  “求富”
②  维新
③  “救亡”
④  “自强”
【单选题】 维新运动时期,谭嗣同的主要著作是?
①  《变法通议》
②  《仁学》
③  《新学伪经考》
④  《天演论》
【单选题】 提出了“师夷长技以制夷”的思想的是?
①  龚自珍
②  林则徐
③  魏源
④  郑观应
【单选题】 维新运动时期,严复在天津主办的报纸是?
①  《时务报》
②  《申报》
③  《万国公报》
④  《国闻报》
【单选题】 在甲午战争后,通过翻译《天演论》为维新运动提供理论根据的是?
①  严复
②  康有为
③  梁启超
④  谭嗣同
【单选题】 中国共产党完成孙中山的未竟事业,这主要表现在?
①  完成了反帝反封建的历史任务
②  建立了人民民主专政的国家政权
③  实现了平均地权,把土地分给了广大农民
④  没收了官僚资本,建立了公有制
【单选题】 第一次鸦片战争后美国迫使清政府签订的不平等条约是?
①  《黄埔条约》
②  《南京条约》
③  《虎门条约》
④  《望厦条约》
【单选题】 1895 年联合在京参加会试的举人共同发起“公车上书”的代表人物是?
①  梁启超
②  康有为
③  谭嗣同
④  严复