心理咨询的形式不包括( )
【单选题】 心理咨询最常用的形式是()
①  电话咨询
②  门诊咨询
③  专题心理咨询
④  信函咨询
⑤  现场咨询
【单选题】 心理咨询的目的不包括()
①  改变原有认知结构
②  帮助其自身发展
③  替来访者做出决定
④  强化患者自我控制
⑤  改变患者的人生方向
【单选题】 心理咨询的主要手段不包括()
①  宣泄
②  领悟
③  强化自我控制
④  教导
⑤  增强自信心
【单选题】 心理咨询主要解决()
①  人们的身心疾病
②  精神疾病障碍
③  人们的心理困惑
④  人们的情感障碍
⑤  人们的生活困难
【判断题】 心理咨询者可以随时要求终止咨询,也可以随时要求延长咨询时间。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 心理咨询过程中的规范原则不包括()。
①  语言、语调、语速规范
②  绝对接纳的原则
③  非言语举止规范
④  尊重和真诚的态度
【单选题】 心理咨询的接待过程中的规范原则不包括()。
①  向服务对象说明心理咨询性质
②  向服务对象说明空间限定原则
③  向服务对象说明知情同意原则
④  向服务对象说明保密原则
【单选题】 心理咨询过程的主要特点未包括()。
①  体现人际关系
②  重视个体差异
③  着重于正常人
④  选择适当场所
【单选题】 团体心理辅导相对于个别心理咨询而言,更擅长处理( )问题。
①  深度情绪困扰
②  解释心理测验结果
③  人际关系
④  求职择业
【多选题】 个别咨询的主要形式包括( )
①  门诊咨询
②  访问咨询
③  广播咨询
④  电话咨询
【单选题】 His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but_____.
①  a little did he hear
②  little did he hear
③  little heard he
④  a little heard he
【单选题】 In this book the writer gives us a(n)____ picture of social history.
①  precise
②  exact
③  accurate
④  correct
【单选题】 Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ____ of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living.
①  maximum
②  minority
③  majority
④  minimum
【单选题】 China is ____ in natural resources.
①  excessive
②  adequate
③  rich
④  enough
【单选题】 Mr. Robinson knew that the most trivial chore could prove to be a ____ if approached with enthusiasm.
①  prize
②  reward
③  refund
④  bonus
【单选题】 When Ann broke the dish she tried to put the ____ back together.
①  fragments
②  pieces
③  bits
④  slices
【单选题】 I really do not know whether we can succeed, so do not expect ____.
①  too much of us
②  us too much
③  of us too much
④  us of too much
【单选题】 Frank almost never received any education, ____?
①  would he
②  did he
③  didn’t he
④  wouldn’t he
【单选题】 The teeth are ____, but they look very natural.
①  false
②  correct
③  fake
④  unnatural
【单选题】 You should know better than ____ your little sister at home by herself.
①  to leave
②  leaving
③  to have left
④  left