【单选题】 西晋时期刚健诗风的代表诗人是
①  阮籍和张华
②  陆机和潘岳
③  左思和刘琨
④  孙绰和许询
【多选题】 下列作家作品属于西晋时期的有
①  孔融的《论盛孝章书》
②  李密的饿《陈情表》
③  张载的《剑阁铭》
④  陆机的《吊魏武帝文》
⑤  潘岳的《哀永逝文》
【判断题】 《齐民要术》成书于南北朝时期,作者是北魏的贾思勰。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 刘勰所谓“采缛于正始,力柔于建安”,指的是
①  郭璞的游仙诗
②  东晋的玄言诗
③  太康诗风
④  陶渊明的田园诗
【单选题】 《文心雕龙》的作者是(    )。
①  刘勰
②  曹丕
③  钟嵘
④  陆机
【单选题】 中医著名古籍《黄帝内经》约成书于什么时期?____
①  春秋战国时期
②  魏晋时期
③  唐宋时期
④  明清时期
【单选题】 《文心雕龙》风格论集中于《体性》篇。依刘勰之意,作家的创作个性包括有才、气、学、( )等四个方面的因素。
【多选题】 南朝刘宋时期优秀的骈文作家有
①  王褒
②  颜廷之
③  鲍照
④  范晔
⑤  陶宏景
【多选题】 刘勰的《文心雕龙》提出了许多具有时代特色的审美范畴,如“意象”“隐秀”( )等,影响非常深远。
①  “神思”
②  “风骨”
③  “体性”
④  “知音”
【简答题】 请简述《文心雕龙》下部的内容。
【单选题】 On his next birthday he () married for ten years.
①  has been
②  will be
③  will have been
④  would have been
【单选题】 Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip?____________
①  Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day.
②  Come on, I’ve got lots of fun.
③  By the way, I don’t like Saturdays.
④  Well, I’ll look forward to your phone call.
【单选题】 In Britain people drive _____the left.
①  at
②  on
③  to
④  in
【单选题】 What()next will be discussed at the next meeting.
①  to do
②  is doing
③  will do
④  shall we do
【单选题】 _______ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.
①  Dislike
②  Liking
③  Alike
④  Unlike
【单选题】 How do you do? Glad to meet you._________
①  Fine. How are you?
②  How do you do? Glad to meet you, too.
③  How are you? Thank you!
④  Nice. How are you?
【单选题】 Don’t take any action until you are fully _____ with the situation there.
①  consented
②  content
③  obvious
④  acquainted
【单选题】 When a fire____ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.
①  broke off
②  broke out
③  broke down
④  broke up
【单选题】 What a bad memory I’ve got! I even forgot ______ the book with me.
①  took
②  taking
③  take
④  taken
【单选题】 As the bus came round the comer, it ran _______ a big tree by the roadside.
①  over
②  on
③  into
④  up