We decided to _______ to help the sick children with their homework.
go to the hospital
went to a hospital
going to a hospital
went to the hospital
【单选题】 20.When he was in_____ hospital, we all went to _____ hospital to visit him .
①  the, /
②  /, the
③  the, the
④  the, a
【单选题】 My grandmother’s taken ill and I’ve got to go down to the hospital.
①  We’re going to the same place
②  Very sorry to hear it. I hope it’s nothing serious
③  Really?
④  Let me go with you
【单选题】 You’d better ________ to hospital at once.
①  go
②  to
③  going
④  gone
【单选题】 When I got there, Henry ____ to the hospital.
①  had been sent
②  would send
③  was sent
④  would be sent
【单选题】 What’s happened to Jan?_______to hospital.
①  She’s been taken
②  She’ll be taken
③  She’ll take
【单选题】 A hospital was built [填空] the railway station.
①  on
②  near
③  next to
④  in
【单选题】 You had better [填空] in the hospital.
①  stayed
②  stay
③  stays
④  staying
【单选题】 It ____ to the hospital yesterday, but I forgot all about it.
①  had to go
②  should have gone
③  ought to go
④  should go
【单选题】 None of us expected the chairman to _____ at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.
①  turn in
②  turn over
③  turn up
④  turn down
【单选题】 The hospital is said to have been ________________ in the Second World War.
①  declined
②  destroyed
③  decided
④  demanded
【单选题】 面向少年儿童消费群体的市场营销心理策略不包括( )
①  开发时尚产品,引导消费潮流
②  根据不同年龄对象,采取不同的组合策略
③  改善外观设计,增强商品的吸引力
④  树立品牌形象
【单选题】 青年消费群体的心理与行为特征不包括( )
①  追求时尚与新颖
②  追求个性与自我表现
③  注重情感,冲动性强
④  观念新颖,滞后消费
【单选题】 女性消费群体的心理及行为特征包括( )
①  注重美感,追求时尚
②  注重感情,富于联想
③  购买挑剔,决策慎重
④  自尊心强,攀比炫耀
⑤  注重实效,要求便利
⑥  以上选项都选
【单选题】 面向女性消费群体的市场营销心理策略不包括( )
①  销售环境要富于联想
②  商品设计要时尚
③  促销手段感情化
④  促销手段理智化
【单选题】 社会阶层的划分标准因素不包括( )
①  经济变量
②  社会变量
③  文化变量
④  政治变量
【单选题】 文化有广义和狭义文化之分。广义的文化是人类社会发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 微观环境不包括( )
①  社会
②  家庭
③  角色与地位
④  参照群体
【单选题】 以自我为中心的消费观,以表现自我为目的的消费心态,个性特征和爱好表现突出,在交往中易表现大方、慷慨、阔绰的炫耀心理。这属于以下哪个时期的消费者的最大特点( )
①  青年单身期
②  家庭形成期
③  家庭成长期
④  子女教育期
【单选题】 中观环境主要指营销环境和产品使用及用后评价。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 营销的物质环境是指消费者购买时的地理位置、气味、灯光、音响、气候、商品周围的物质、店铺的名称等。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误