The train______she was traveling was five minutes late.
on that
on which
【单选题】 Five minutes earlier, __________ we could have caught the last train.
①  and
②  or
③  so
④  but
【单选题】 The bus is late and Julie is cold. She____ for the bus for 10 minutes.
①  waits
②  waited
③  has been waiting
④  has waited
【单选题】 When traveling, you are advised to take travelers’ checks, which provide a secure _____ tocarrying your money in cash.
①  preference
②  selection
③  choice
④  alternative
【单选题】 She took it as an insult which wasn’t at all what I( ).
①  intend
②  intended
③  has intended
④  had intended
【判断题】 I’ll be back in five minutes.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 My daughter is really fond of the ( ) of the curtain in her bedroom which she chose herself.
①  drawing
②  pattern
③  style
④  design
【单选题】 Which type does the following production practice belong to? She sells sea shells on the seashore.
①  Make up sentences
②  Using meaningful context
③  Using pictures
④  Using tongue twisters.
【多选题】 He arrived too late and_____________ the train.
①  failed to catch
②  fail to catch
③  missed
④  miss
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Hurrying to the classroom, no one was there.
②  Hurrying to the classroom, she saw nobody there.
【单选题】 Which sentence is correct?
①  Afer finishing her composition, she took up the translation exercise.
②  Afer finishing her composition, the translation exercise was taken up.
【单选题】 下列对于客户满意与客户忠诚的理解错误的是()
①  客户满意度与购买行为一定有直接联系
②  忠诚的客户源于满意的客户,但是满意的客户不一定是忠诚的客户
③  客户的满意度提高,可以提升销量的增加
④  客户忠诚度有赖于满意的提高
【多选题】 客户满意的层次,有横向层面,纵向层面之分,其中横向层面包括()
①  企业理念满意
②  企业行为满意
③  企业视觉满意
④  物质和精神
【多选题】 客户满意的服务质量要素是根据RATER指数来衡量,包括()
①  信赖度
②  专业度
③  有形度
④  反思度
【多选题】 客户满意度衡量的指标有()
①  对产品的美誉度
②  对品牌的知名度
③  消费后的回头率低
④  消费后的投诉率
【多选题】 客户满意度调查的对象包括()
①  现实客户
②  使用者和购买者
③  中间商客户
④  内部客户
【多选题】 客户忠诚的分类包括()
①  垄断忠诚
②  惰性忠诚
③  潜在忠诚
④  超值忠诚
【多选题】 从客户满意到客户忠诚的一些做法有()
①  巩固和提高客户满意度
②  提高客户的转换成本
③  提升促销力度
④  做好客户跟踪
【多选题】 客户期望的相关因素包括( )
①  口碑
②  个人需求
③  经历
④  服务质量要素
【单选题】 客户总价值包括产品价值,服务价值,人员价值()
①  时间价值
②  精神价值
③  货币价值
④  形象价值
【单选题】 客户让渡价值理论中,如果客户满意,其值应该是( )0
①  小于
②  小于等于
③  大于
④  不确定