The Government will ___________ its control over economic growth.
【单选题】 36._____ their real economic situations, they got some relief fund from the government.
①  Considering
②  Considered
③  Havingbeenconsidered
④  Beingconsidered
【单选题】 The government would be unwise to ( ) the complaints of its people.
①  overlook
②  ignore
③  neglect
④  disrespect
【单选题】 Most people come to realize that it is about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 Most people came to realize that it was about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 Do you need [填空] at once?
①  to go
②  go
③  going
④  goes
【单选题】 How [填空] rice do you need?
①  much
②  many
③  long
④  about
【单选题】 Each nation need its own noble and ( ) father-figure.
①  popular
②  gentle
③  honourable
④  generous
【单选题】 Credit cards make it possible to ( ) payment over weeks or months.
①  spread
②  spread out
③  spread from
④  spread outwards
【单选题】 We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job.
①  but
②  except
③  as well
④  besides
【单选题】 —Whats one fourth and a half, do you know?—Yes, its ______.
①  two sixths
②  three fourths
③  one three
④  three sixths
【判断题】 扩散电流和漂移电流叠加在一起构成半导体的总电流。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 有效质量越大,能量密度也越大。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 离心式风机是目前使用较广的风机,具有()易损件少等优点.
①  A.风量大
②  B.压力低
③  C.运转稳定
④  D.噪声低
【多选题】 二次回路按其性质一般分为()和信号回路等.
①  A.配电回路
②  B.电流回路
③  C.电压回路
④  D.操作回路
【多选题】 供电系统对保护装置的基本要().
①  A.选择性
②  B.速动性
③  C.可靠性
④  D.灵敏性
【多选题】 机电工程项目施工进度常用的表示方法有()。
①  A.横道图
②  B.网络图
③  C.流水作业图
④  D.计划表
⑤  E.作业图
【多选题】 机电工程中常用的气体绝缘材料包括()。
①  A.六氟化硫
②  B.二氧化碳
③  C.氮气
④  D.空气
⑤  E.二氧化硫
【多选题】 线性定常系统经过线性非奇异变换后()保持不变
①  A特征值
②  B可控性和可观性
③  C传递函数
④  D变量
【多选题】 轮系的传动比,是指轮系中首轮与末轮的()或()之比。
①  A.线速度
②  B.角速度
③  C.转速
④  D.功率
【多选题】 渐开线少齿差行星齿轮传动中常用的输出机构有()。
①  A.孔销式结构
②  B.浮动盘结构
③  C.曲轴机构
④  D.杆机构